raw squid :o) +5
Meat products.If it once had eyes,I have no interest.
Any fish or sea food.
Saurekrut or how ever you spell the nasty stuff Liver is da bomb
The only thing I can think of is Balute(sp)A Philippine delicacy. It is a fertilized chicken egg that is stuck in the ground for several months to ripen just right.
Well first off i love liver but the thing that what would make me gag is a sheeps head (Never ate it but don't want to.
mayonaise and ranch dressing
Well first off i love liver but the thing that what would make me gag is a sheeps head (Never ate it but don't want to.
brussels pate
The lady I work with eats olive loaf lunch meat. It looks like somebody just puked all over.
..pickled pigs feet.....oh jeez, that's just wrong... I know alot of folks like it but....uuuggghhh..
mac and cheese and ketchup
Guts. Lots of animals love em. Yuck!
Meat (this girl is a vegetarian. and Any form of chcolate&peanuts/peanutbutter
I don't get okra or anything slimy-textured like that.
Cottage cheeese and celery in Jello - both should be banned. By the by if liver is prepared well I do enjoy. +5
Meat with that particular dead smell
Definitely liver...oh, and sour cream! Yuck!
oysters!! ugh i hate them!
Pea soup and meatloaf
Sardines and Liver are the bad gaggers!! YUCK!!
Brains, haggis, oysters, brussel sprouts, broad beans...
Okra. Slimy, nasty stuff.
Sausage made with pig's blood. A friend of mine married an man from England and he likes them so she cooks them for him. I would have to draw the line there.
liver, any sort of animal brains or other disgusting parts +5
Lutefisk. It's basically fermented raw fish mixed with lye.
I watched someone add a LOT of extra salt to their Big Mac.
Bull balls. I have absolutely no desire to know what they taste like.
tongues and brains.
The flesh of a defenseless sentient being unwilling to be murdered behind closed doors and was putting up a painful struggle in the murderhouse... I mean slaughterhouse, yesterday !
I have to agree with you, Jimmy. Liver.
from their nose
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