• No one answer. I have done several and often it is done by church members when they get the time.
  • I live right across the street from a big one and the riding mowers are going most of the time, the exception being when there's a burial.
  • How much time do you spend there?
  • Of course they do or the cemetery would be overgrown. I used to work with a landscape maintenance company and we had no problem riding a mower over the graves. It's just dirt and grass. I don't think the body below will mind.
  • In large cemeteries, mowing is usually continuous, by the time they get through the whole area, it's time to start over. Smaller cemeteries may be mowed once a week or once a month. Sometimes the schedule depends upon whether they have the money to pay for mowing.Many smaller cemeteries are strapped for funds.

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