• Kurdistan?
  • Most Kurds live on the Turkish border, part of a region which is referred to as "Kurdistan" which also includes the Iranian, Iraqi and Syrian borders.
  • cottage cheese?
  • Kurdistan, bordering Turkey
  • Some say the Kurds are in the Whey.
  • Southern Turkey, northwestern Iran and northern Iraq (Kurdistan).
  • Kurds are one of the largest non-independant (meaning without a recognized state of their own) ethnic group not in just the middle east, but all over the world. Kurdistan has for centuries been rich in natural resources, and this has sustained a large population of Kurds. Kurds lost much of their demographic ground due to neighbouring states (Tukey, Iraq, Iran, and Syria). This occured because, the Kurdish economy and health care system were and still are lower than that of the neighbouring countries. Massaceres and other types of deaths and just the fact of people leaving also caused the Kurdish population to lower. Furthermore, emmigration towards a hopefully better life in Europe and North America also account for a small Kurdish populaiton in Kurdistan (Kurdistan does not have recognized borders but it covers parts of Iraq, Iran, Syria, and mainly Turkey). Turkey, where 52% of the world's Kurdish population lives. Since the middle of the 1960s, Kurds are steadily regaining their demographic position of importance that they traditionally held. Currently, Kurds, represent about 15% of the Middle Eastern (Asia) population. Today Kurds are the fourth largest ethnic group in the Middle - East, after the Arabs, Persians and Turks. Their largest concentrations are now in Turkey (approximitely 52% of all Kurds), Iran (25.4%), Iraq (16.2%), Syria (4.9%) and other locations (1.65%). With this population increase, Kurds will become the third most largest ethnic group in the Middle East.
  • Northern Iraq and southern turkey. They want to have there own country called Kuridastan one day.

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