• Have you tried a professional job hunter? We call them headhunters here in PA. You sign up with them, send them your resume and what sort of jobs you are looking for and where. Then they will look for you, many companies use them instead of ads to avoid unqualified responses. Some charge a fee if you get a job, some ask for a fee up front, you need to look around. Good Luck!
  • Kentucky has never been a hotbed of employment opportunities so good luck with that. Out there, it's booze and coal. I'm guessing that these are not industries you're familiar with. We're in a recession too, and places like that get hit harder than the coast. Think hard before moving there. Can you create a business where it doesn't matter where you live? That's your best opportunity.
  • Kentucky currently has one of the highest unemployment rates in the nation. Here in Central Kentucky, businesses are closing on a daily basis. Your chance of finding a good paying job is very slim right now.

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