• In our garden, we plant the tallest plants furthest to the back and the shorter plants toward the front as it creates easy access at harvest time. We have had pole beans, okra, tomato, butter beans, carrots and strawberries and its pleasing to see all the veggies and fruits in full view. Good Luck!
  • All I know is that some things do not grow well beside others. I am not sure of what, but I do have a book on it somewhere. What are you planning to plant? I grow tomatoes, cucumbers, beans & peas, Peppers, and feb few herbs. Let me know if ya need me to try and find the book and get you concrete answers. My Gardens have always been very successful
  • Yes, there is. Some plants complement each other when planted together. Green beans (pole variety) do well when planted between the rows of corn; the corn being used as a "pole." Be sure to plant the corn 2 weeks or more ahead of the beans so this will work out. It's OK to plant the beans a little later, anyway. Also, I plant squash, cucumbers, pumpkin and melons right next to the corn, and let the vining varietes meander into the corn. This saves water. Plant your dill for pickling spices next to your tomatos as it will help deter those nasty tomato worms. Rodale publishing has a book out about organic gardening (the only way to go for me) and it talks about which plants go well together. Try a Google search on this book. Enjoy your garden!

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