• Eating a lower carb diet will take off weight pretty fast. If you do that, read up on it, don't go to extremes, make sure you're drinking plenty of water and do walking exercise if nothing else. Good luck with whatever you try.
  • You HAVE to ditch sugar. All of it. Cut out anything with white flour in it. Cakes, bread, biscuits, you name it. Eat all your carbohydrates in the form of wholemeal pasta and bread, and green vegetables. No potatoes. Don't eat any candy, don't drink any sodas, and cut out the alcohol too. Eat plenty of protein, and DO NOT SKIP MEALS, have a couple of handfuls of nuts or salad in between meals if you must, to keep your metabolism burning all day. Do 30 minutes cardio every day. You'll drop a large amount of weight if you do that until June.
  • no diet in the world works without regular aerobic exercise to alter your metabolism. But it can be as simple as a brisk half hour work about 4 times a week. If you're new to exercise, it's more important to go for duration than for intensity. That will kick your metabolism into shape (a healthy metabolism burns more calories 24/7, not just when you're exercising--that's where they REALLY add up)
  • Low carbs, I would suggest the Atkins diet. Not for a long time but in a week you can easily drop up to twenty or more pounds. I wouldn't recommend it as a long term diet because it doesn't give you all the nutrients that your body needs. It's not the most healthy diet but it definitely works and the pounds shed of quickly.

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