• The problem with "multinational" companies is that they're not really American/Canadian jobs to begin with.
  • I would prefer it if US jobs stayed in the US.
  • That is exactly the BIG LIE that the GOP tries to sell us 24/7. Cut taxes because jobs are created by small business so we need to encourage them so they can hire people. My, what a croc..small business/big business/all business...all they care about is the bottom line and outsourcing jobs helps so that is what they do. Cut taxes so they can create jobs? Sure, you betcha. Just not jobs for Americans. That is the BIG LIE! :)
  • The food you buy and the clothes you wear are also not American. I say let's fire some accountants and put them to work on a farm, and then fire some surgeons so we can bring BACK the lucrative sweatshop jobs, who's with me!? If you don't see what I'm getting at, I'm saying call-center jobs aren't the cream of the crop.

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