• Depends on the month of the divorce. If it was June or after - you both share it.
  • Divorce was final in April. So, do I just not put it in as income? He will file it in his taxes.
  • You have to decide together and be cohesive about the decison and you won't have a problem. Determine how it affects you and the other get compensated another way.
  • Divorce was final in April. He will include it in his filing. How would I state last year's AGI and how would I get last year's PIN? My ex always did the taxes before.
  • If you did not have a lawyer, get one. If you did have a lawyer, ask the lawyer. That is what you are spending all that money for.
  • You split the refund-50/50 and you split the stimulus check when you report it on your tax return.

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