• someone needs to take care of the men, after they're done taking care of the kids ...sorry, that was cynical. joking.
  • Women only live a little longer than men on average and it's to do with their environment (i.e., lifestyle and living conditions) rather than being an evolutionary event. The lifespan of men or women generally doesn't factor into the natural selection process because it's all about passing genes on to the next generation not what happens to you after you stop being able to do this.
  • The men shoot themselves.
  • there probably is a reason why women live longer, but we don't know it. science doesn't answer everything, i think that humans should just accept some things as mysteries.
  • Unfortunately for women, the role of reproduction does not stop at birth. Mothering takes about 20 years, so that same woman you cited in the question is still doing her reproductive responsabilty in her mid sixties if she gave birth at 45.
  • Actually, until the 20th century, women tended to live shorter lives than men, the hazards of childbirth bringing down the lifespan of women considerably.
  • women nag and stress men to an early grave that is why i choose not to marry until later
  • Keep in mind that back in the day, before modern medicine and all, the death of a mother as a result of child birth was rather common. Tribes where a women lived longer were probably better equipped to care for children whose mothers died giving birth to them.
  • men arent viable after their forties. the sperm loses its strength and the children from old men tend to be less smart as children from younger men.

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