• Need more info to effectively answer your question.
  • check with the canadian counsul
  • Here is a website that may supply the info you require: Then click on the A-Z index box; the V for visiting Canada. You will find some info there, but I think you need to phone the government. When you present your picture ID at the border, they will do a computer check on you and I do believe you may run into problems entering Canada if you are a convicted felon. PS: I am a Canadian and I had read that Paris Hilton was not going to be allowed into Canada to do some kind of publicity thing, because of her DUI conviction(s), which in Canada is a felony.
  • A person with a felony conviction has to apply (usually at a consulate) for a waiver to enter Canada legally.
  • Sure. Just make sure you hide it at the border :>)
  • Yes, but you would have a much harder time if you wanted to become a citizen.
  • No, until a certain amount of years have passed and you have done your time. Or coarses and all fines are paid.

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