• No but I do like to throw water balloons at people who do;)
  • It's not so other people can hear it, it's because I want to listen to my music and feel the wind on a nice day. I forgot the quoter, but someone said "It's not music if it isn't loud..."
  • hell yea specially wen u have a good sound system cuz its funny how other ppl put their windows up or lower their stereo down cuz urs is louder lol.....
  • no cuz i hate when people stare over at you, it's like what the f you lookin at lol. but i turn it upp when no one is round and i'm driving down a street kinda by myself. but if i had a sound sytem which i'm getting sooon then i'd deff put em downn lol
  • Hell no and I hate it when people do.

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