• It is a law in Ohio, if observed you will be charged with "improper lane change"
  • I think the British Highway Code states that you must use signals, as and when you think they will help other road users . So it is not law just courtesy
  • Depends on the state or country. It's an improper lane change where I live and is rarely enforced. I also believe it is a common courtesy. The drivers around here are incredibly rude. I was flipped off by somebody's grandmother once because doing 20 miles above the speed limit was not fast enough for her until the road became 2 lanes. Come on people, it takes less than a second the flick the turn siganl lever.
  • Its the law...not alot of people do it because they see no point for it but putting a signal when switching lanes can inform others drivers and they can be aware of what you are doing and this can prevent an accident because the car on the lane you are trying to switch might slow down or hunk its horn so you'll know to wait. You can also get a ticket for not using your signals so its recomanded that you use them. this is very important...and should be done by every driver out there.
  • law- how is anyone else supposed to know when you are turning unless you do it. Its law here in NY.
  • It is against the Law in all 50 states to change a lane without First signaling to give anyone nearby that extra split second reaction time to react to and not cause the Deadly Swerve that has multiple repercussions. Last year Unintended Lane change crashes were responsible for over 23,000 deaths (60 people killed a day) They used to enforce the turn signal Laws and Unintended Lane Change Crashes did not exist. They need to enforce the Lack of turn signal use and enforcement and the number of Unintended Lane Change Crashes will drop dramatically. The Crashes are not intended but most of the lane changes are, drivers just look and go Unfortunately there are too many drivers using this behavior at the same time, going for the same space and more. For the Law enforcement communities in the USA to continue to ignore the importance of signaling ones intent while driving a Lethal Weapon is nothing less than Criminal. Respectfully,Heather Derusha
  • It is both. It is indeed the law. Common courtesy would insist on using our laws as mere minimal guidelines that we should embellish to a more cooperative degree. Frequently using your turn signal is just a starting point towards a much higher philosophy of polite, and safe, driving.
  • It's the law ........ It's common courtesy ....... And it makes good sense. How else do you expect the other drivers to know what you are doing? And you want them to know! A pretty cheap price for raising for your chances of survival, don't you think?
  • It's the law AND it is courteous to do so..but I would hardly say it is common. I think I see more people fail to signal than those that do.
  • In my state its the law. However, I believe its also a common courtesy. Some people dont believe in using signals or they are just oblivious to the fact that they are even driving a car at all. There is no room for that on the roads.

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