• You know I have the same problem. I loved shellfish, but at the age of 21 I became allergic. Its cause is the first time you eat shell fish your body builds antibodies to the shellfish's inherent toxins, now they will either build good or bad, like with bee stings. And I guess As you don't typically eat shellfish everyday it takes longer for the body to build that immunity or allergy. Hope this helped...
  • Scientists do not know what causes any allergy but there is evidence of a predisposition when one or both parents of a child has allergies. source
  • Both my mother and sister became allergic to shellfish and fish too. They could eat all seafood, etc until they were about 45, then never again.
  • Allergies are funny creatures. You can be exposed to an allergen all your life, and suddenly, one day, BAM! you develope an allergy to that allergen. This is true with shellfish or any other food, plant or "thing"... Edited: Almost forgot: an allergy can also "go away". You can be allergic to something, and all of a sudden, after some time, not be allergic any more.
  • NO!!! This is terrible news. I recently went to a japanese restaurant and had a mild allergic reaction to cuttlefish. I had shrimp for dinner last night, and scallops last week and was fine.. do I have to give up these foods?

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