• The Great wall of China I think there is one more, but I cant think of it right now.
  • I once made a pretty big beeramid...I'm pretty sure you could see it from space
  • John 1513 is right. The Great Wall Of China can be seen from space. And there is one other thing visible from space....Donald Trump's hair....OOPS, you said "man made"....guess that doesn't qualify.... ***sorry 'bout that...I just couldn't resist*** lol
  • The Greatwall of china CAN NOT be seen any more than any highway in the world can be seen. And it's actually smaller and shorter than some of them. It all depends on you definition of "Seen" To make stuff out well is not easy with out a good telescope, but you can tell the borders of cities and such. Some things can be easily seen at night when lit, but it's dificult if you don't know what your looking at.
  • I believe it's Michael Jackson's Neverland Ranch. Although it's quite empty now.
  • There is a longstanding myth that the Great Wall of China is the only manmade object that is visible by an observer in space. However, this is a myth! The truth is that many human constructs can be seen from Space. If we take "space" to mean a low Earth orbit such as the one traveled by the Space Shuttle (roughly 160 to 350 miles above Earth), then an observer from the space shuttle with the aid of binoculars can easily see objects such as: airports, highways, bridges, components of the Kennedy Space Center and, even large ocean tankers. In addition, the largest cities are clearly visible to the human eye. Go to NASA's Earth From Space photographic archive located at and see for yourself pictures that have been taken from low orbit reveal human-built structures such as highways, airports, bridges, dams, and components of the Kennedy Space Center. At 250 miles (400 KM) high, the altitude of the International Space Station, one can no longer see the outline of neither highways nor anything the size of airports. However, cities are still visible. If the observer is on the surface of the moon at a rough distance of 237,000 miles, then not a single man-made object can be seen with or with a set of binoculars. Apollo 12 astronaut Alan Bean said, “The only thing you can see from the moon is a beautiful sphere, mostly white (clouds), some blue (ocean), patches of yellow (deserts), and every once in a while some green vegetation. No man-made object is visible on this scale. In fact, when first leaving earth's orbit and only a few thousand miles away, no man-made object is visible at that point either." If the observer is now located on the surface of Mars, the Earth itself would look like bright star in the sky. Much in the same way Venus and Mars looks to us. Oh, one last thing. As for the Great Wall of China, you can see it but you know where to look for it and it is so a lot less visible than the objects first stated above. One of the earliest sources claiming that the Great Wall of China was the only man made object that could be seen from space was Richard Halliburton. Halliburton was early twentieth century adventurer-lecturer whose writing where very popular, Halliburton 1938 book entitled, Second Book of Marvels, the Orient, stated incorrectly that "Astronomers say that the Great Wall is the only man-made thing on our planet visible to the human eye from the moon."
  • I'm not really sure, to tell you the truth, I don't think any. I think the closest thing is the Great Wall of China, I heard you can see it from a plane, but I'm not sure if you can see if from Outer Space though.
  • The Great wall of china. The only man made structure visible from space. Learnt that in 3rd grade shit lol.
  • If you are in outer space and looking at earth with a telescope.... Otherwise just the Great Wall.
  • From outer space, no man-made structure is visible. Most man-made structures are barely visible from low earth orbit (180 miles up) and none are visible even from the moon, much less outer space.
  • Two. The great wall of China and the Kennecott Copper mine in Utah.
  • Great Wall of China and you can see the light from the Luxor from space, if that counts.
  • With satellite photos all of the ones that are above ground and even some that are below ground can be seen from space. Just to to Google Earth and see for yourself.:)
  • Many are familiar with the claim that the Great Wall of China is the only man-made object visible from space or from the moon with the naked eye. This is simply not true. From a low orbit of the earth, many artificial objects are visible on the earth, such as highways, ships in the sea, railroads, cities, fields of crops, and even some individual buildings. While at a low orbit, the Great Wall of China can be seen from space but it is not unique in that regard. Furthermore, when leaving the earth's orbit and acquiring an altitude of more than a few thousand miles, no man-made objects are visible at all. NASA says, "The Great Wall can barely be seen from the Shuttle, so it would not be possible to see it from the Moon with the naked eye." Thus, it'd be tough to spot the Great Wall of China or any other object from the moon. Furthermore, from the moon, even the continents are barely visible.
  • I dont believe there are any. Could be wrong, 'cos i've never been high enough to view the Earth from space.
  • The only man made thing to be visable from space is said to be The Great wall of China.
  • Yes there is one that can be seen from the Moon.... The spacecraft your on.

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