No, do you?
why?he is responsible for millions of killings.5
are you kidding me!
No, not at all, why would I? He was responsible for the killing of millions of innocent people for no reason at all.
It is very hard to give the criminally insane killer any respect at all.
The only type of people that would respect him is people like him. No, I do not have one little bit of respect for one of historys most evil person that ever lived!
he killed people. wrong. there is no justification whatsoever for that. for that i do not respect him. but he did have great oratory skills, i respect that facet of his personality... P.S. anyone DRs this, please state your reasons, or atleast make your presence felt here and then DR...
He did great service to Germany. Had he not been in government at all, the German economy would have been completely screwed. For that, he gains respect. This is struck down somewhat, though not entirely, when the millions of deaths come into consideration. It's not like he killed every one himself.
That he didn't kill all those people himself, does not matter. Charles Manson never killed anyone himself. Then when Hitler was done, he left his country in ruins!
No, he lost. As for the rest of the answers they have obviously not studied any human history, Stalin killed more Russians than Hitler killed people. Genocide is a very common occurrence in history, Hitler just gets very bad press.
not to give any credit to the atrocities that he commited but you have to look at what he did for post world war 1 germany. bringing a nation with 80 percent inflation over 60 percent unemployment and some of the harshest fines to be doled out for the nation that didnt start the war. He was able to bring germany out of the ashes unify the people and bring them to a period of world strenght not seen any time since. Imagine one man and a movement that would soon take him from nothing rotting the in streets of vienna to the seat of a world power at the time. so call me a racist call me a jew hater or what ever you will i just look at the history. sorry to say but i can draw some paralells to our current pres and adolf hitler. Both came from disadvantaged back grounds both had very little experience in government. Both used the power and the strength of the youth movements to help their causes. both rose to power at a relatively young age. Both seemed to come from no where as far as politics. Read the book "Adolf Hitler: Rise and fall of the third Reich" its an interesting read and remember those that dont understand history are doomed to repeat it. as we have many times over and over IE 1930's depression and todays economic collapse.
hitler,puh-leez!no way!!!
None. What he did he accomplished through intimidation, blaming ethnic groups, force and murder. Stalin does not have my respect either.
Not really. But if I absolutely HAD TO find something good in him... eeeh... I'd name a couple of things. He was a good artist. He loved dogs. He was not a lazy man whatsoever. He was against smoking. And he had exceptional oratorical skills.
I dont give any mass murderer respect.
No, not any. He was a criminal.
In what regard? He didn't finish any races nor won any marathons and like America his military strategies caused more problems than they ever solved.
not at all, he dont deserve it since he was so evil
Where is everyone's proof that Hitler exterminated Jews? Are they relying solely on their history books? Does everyone believe all of the history books are accurate? The history books don't offer documented proof - they're nothing but a one-sided narrative that promotes hate propaganda. Case in point: the "6,000,000 exterminated Jews" claim started around the turn of the 20th century - long before anyone ever heard of Hitler. They were used as a media campaign for more than 30 years to raise support and funding for political Zionism. By the time Hitler was appointed Chancellor in 1933, millions of people around the world believed the 6,000,000 Jews saga to be true. Just 53 days after Hitler became Chancellor, these very same Zionists ("Jews") declared war on Germany, without cause, and just 114 days after that, he was accused of exterminating Jews. Even if Hitler did plan to kill the Jews, 167 days was not enough time to organize and implement a large-scale extermination operation. Hence, the history books are wrong. Another case in point: on January 8, 1945, a story appeared in the New York Times with the headline "6,000,000 Jews died". This might be construed as somewhat accurate had it not been for the fact that the Soviets never liberated Auschwitz until January 27, 1945. Until the Soviets liberated Auschwitz, no one ever knew about the deaths there. So how did the author of the story know there were 6,000,000 Jews dead 2-weeks prior to finding them? Do take note that in every case concerning the Holocaust claims, the number 6,000,000 is always used. 6,000,000 was used for approximately 30 years in numerous media articles, 6,000,000 was used in the January 8 media story, and whenever the subject is debated, the default number that is always used is 6,000,000 (even though the official number has been lowered to around 1.5 million. Winston Churchill once said, "The truth is so fragile that it needs a bodyguard of lies to protect it." That quote applies here. If the history books are telling the truth, there wouldn't be so many discrepancies. ΒΆ To answer the question, Hitler did a lot of good for his people and got nothing in return but a hate campaign against him. I respect anyone who puts his people and his country first.
- because he's dead, and (B) because he was one of the most notorious and villainous rulers of the last century
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