• Nice one. Its better to avoid such people, or atleast keep a safe distance. But don't give them the same treatment or dont join them in criticising others. Two wrongs dont make a right.
  • I do all the time,... to a degree of course. Hey Sunny, if you post a Q and people are nice enough to respond and rate it, the least you can do is rate the answers they have given. You appear rude when you don't.
  • I am about to divorce my wife. The worst thing about her is she critices everybody else and I hate having to point out I cant stand that. That is hypocritical of me but I thinks its a case of two wrongs make a right. Good question
  • I find that not tolerating,or can't standing anyone is a waste of time and energy.If you put all of consciousness on them ,you are in their world not yours.They seem to be in control or have some hold over you.I have found from experience is, leave these people alone, and don't deal with them or think about them at all.It is better to concentrate on things that are of benefit to you.A big weight will be taken off your shoulders.What we focus on most we get,so why not focus on what you want and not what you don't want.The results will speak for themselves.
  • It's not wrong to employ intolerance in self defense from intolerance.
  • You're perfectly free to not like them, avoid their company and so on because of the intolerance they continually display. If you recognise their right to continue being as they are whether you like it or not, you are not being hypocritical...
  • This is an old chestnut and may be described as the liberal paradox. Other examples include: should we allow free speech to people who would deny free speech to others, or should we practice pacifism towards warmongers? As it is a paradox it cannot really be answered, other than to be aware that it is a paradox. Life is confusing sometimes.
  • I can't stand intolerance. But it's not like I can't stand the person. I just hate the act.

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