• Properly clean your game. With a very soft eye glass towelette. A solvent, Windex if you like, and whipe from the inside of the disk outward and turn the disk each time to a new area to completely clean the disc. Otherwise, You laser needs to be adjusted. Go to a Game Stop or somewhere similar and ask who they recommend. Almost all of them know of someone to adjust the laser. It can be cleaned which does temporarily help, but the issue with that is comes about because of a thin thin wire that is located in the same region of the laser. If broken, your ps2 is done. This is the answer for most ps2 problems. Very simply put, the laser was never prefected and that is why there are about 5 different ps2's. Most with different lasers or laser adjustments.
  • I have another answer. The same thing happened to me in the third year of a franchise. I noticed it happened when I played Buffalo. I had recreated Daimon Shelton, who the game had retired after the second year. Once I removed him from Buffalo's roster, the freezes quit. I noticed that he was on the kick-off return team and the game locked up after a field goal, extra point or when Buffalo won the toss. I guess the game was loading up Buffalo's return team and couldn't handle a retired player back in the lineup. So my advice to anyone whose game freezes is to check the players who you have created. If this doesn't make sense, drop me an e-mail at and I will try to clarify it.

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