• Yes, they definitely should!
  • I think a visit from the Secret Service would be Constitutionally prohibited.
  • I still don't think there's any racist thught in that cartoon
  • Only if the SS has better cartoon ideas. If you really think that cartoon is actionable, it's hard to claim the fuss about the M0ohammed cartoons was inappropriate
  • I'm afraid that's not really their job. Also, There is this little things you guys have in America called "Free speech" and "Freedom of the Press" that kinda gets in the way of that.
  • Where do you get that it's about the President? It's about Congress. Just for future reference too, the press can publish anything they want about the president, congress or any of our government and have about every other president prior to Obama. There is no reason they should be muzzled now so that his feelings don't get hurt. Grow up. The president isn't a baby. He doesn't need to be protected from humor.
  • freedom of the Press. We have lost enoughfreedoms already.
  • First of all, it's NOT about the President. CONGRESS writes the bills and laws, not the President. Second of all, I hardly think such actions are required for political satire. The Smothers Brothers suffered enough for their satirical comedy back in the 60's and 70's. And there are plenty of other examples of political censureship elsewhere. And that kind of kneejerk reaction to political satire belongs just where it the past. And it's NOT something the Secret Service does anyway.
  • For those of you who are having trouble with the idea that it's not the job of the Secret Service to protect the President. The following is right off of a gov't site: Today, the Secret Service is authorized by law to protect: * The president, the vice president, (or other individuals next in order of succession to the Office of the President), the president-elect and vice president-elect * The immediate families of the above individuals * Former presidents and their spouses for their lifetimes, except when the spouse remarries. In 1997, Congressional legislation became effective limiting Secret Service protection to former presidents for a period of not more than 10 years from the date the former president leaves office * Children of former presidents until age 16 What the Post displayed was threatening inference against the President of the United States. I was no Bush fan (I hate the dumb shit), but I would have urged the SS to pay the Post a visit had the cartoon depicted a dead, bloody asshole rather than a chimp. Get over your party egotism and recognize anti-American sentiments for what they are.
  • As Louis Armstrong once said, "There's some folks who if they don't know, ya can't tell 'em." Since there seems to be no logical resolution to this apparently ceaseless argument, let's stop while I still have some points in my account.........

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