• My OPINION would be due to males look at cooking as an art. Remember when the women stayed home and cooked and cleaned and the men went out and hunted the food? Women look more at cooking as a chore than an art. Think of it in the same aspect as a hairdresser. Men are more artsy in their way of thinking of a head of hair than a woman does.
  • Simply because cooking as a profession is still a male dominated field, just as a lot of other professions. There's a big difference between cooking in a restaurant, and cooking at home. When a woman tries to enter this field, she has to deal with the common image of the home cooker as well as all the problems just as if she tries with other male dominated fields. Of course, this is gradually changing, but professional cooking is still much male dominated.
  • When a women asked to make a chappati it would be the best one but if she asked to make 100's she can not make as she made first one and in all kitchens 98%chefs are males this can show difference.
  • Because most chefs (famous or not) are male. I recently heard a radio interview with Anthony Worral Thompson (British celebrity chef) and they asked him this. He replied that women are often put off by the proffesional kitchen environment, which can be hot, noisy, crowded and full of machismo and coarse language. I don't know if that's true, but in my experience of catering, women often don't last particularly long in a proffesional kitchen because the men who already work there often have a very macho, if not outright sexist attitude (it always suprised me how many chefs are ex-armed services), they worry that a woman will not be able to "stand the heat" so to speak, and make a big deal of shouting, rushing and bullying her to prove how hard kitchen life is as if to test her resilience. It takes a very tough woman (or indeed person!) to put up with that without walking out.
  • I am a female chef and I am 1 of 3 females in about 60 in our culinary department. As stated in some of the previous answers, is it a very male dominate field. Foul language, comments and gestures, what many would call sexual harassment, are all part of daily routine in the kitchen. I personally don't have a problem with it. If a foul comment is directed at me, I generally end up spitting a more vulgar comment back. A good description of the workings of a kitchen is a book called "kitchen confidential" by Anthony Bourdain. There’s a small section where he writes about some female chefs he's worked with, You'd probably find your answer there.
  • For the same reason that there are relatively few women surgeons, dentists, engineers: they were discouraged from entering the field or even forbidden. That situation is changing in many fields. Look at the TV program from the Culinary Institute of America. You can now see many women enrolled, just as there are many women in medical schools and veterinary medical schools.
  • Hey, everybody knows men are the better cooks! Right? ;-)
  • Most females can't handle the stress, heat & high testosterone that goes inside a professional kitchen but mostly because females take cooking as a chore while males see it as a pleasure & art form (making males generally better chefs than females).

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