• You will age overnight.
  • CANCER!!!!
  • Your teeth and fingernails will turn yellow and you will stink.
  • its the nastiest thing that you could do to your body
  • First I'd put one of those throat vibrator things up to my neck and then say,"Gooo fooor iiit! Wheeen yoou eeend uup liiike meee weee caaan gooo siiiing kaaaraaaooookeee tooogeeetheeer!"
  • I started before anyone knew of the consequences, or how hard it would be to stop, now I am put down, belittled, and always being discriminated against,(not to mention slowly dying) because of it, so don't ever start!
  • I love you and I want to live a long healthy life with you alive and healthy in it. Though it probably wont work as nicotine is more addictive than heroine. I know from experience, my husband is a smoker.
  • I would say: "if you want to kill yourself I have no problems, but everyone else around you want to live more, so stop or take it outside"
  • Yellow teeth and the smell of nicotine through your hair skin and breath is very unattractive to the opposite sex
  • (smokeing kills so stop) that would be my sentance but if they dont take my advice than they are just killing them sevlves so i got nothing agenst them they will just be dead before me!!
  • If you must get involved in something addictive and fairly likely to kill you, why not try heroin or meth? At least that way you will get a buzz for your money.
  • If you took 1,000 young adult smokers, one will be murdered, six will die on the roads, but 500 will die from tobacco.
  • I'd say "nice knowing you...!" it'd get my point across, give them a reality check, and make them think about things (hopefully)
  • Scare tactics aside, if you smoke a pack per day, at today's prices you will spend nearly $200 per month on cigarettes. How many better ways can you think of to spend an extra $200 every month? Edit: Glad someone found this not helpful. When I quit smoking I was spending more than $250 per month on cigarettes. I bought a brand new boat when I quit with a payment of $199 per month. I am actually making money to have a new boat. Screw you if you don't think this is an incentive to quit smoking.
  • " my mom and dad died of smoking related cancers, i like you too much to have you die that way"
  • you will get old before your time and you'll be ugly and you'll stink and have cancer and your teeth will turn yellow and no one will want to kiss you.
  • 'Have a look at my nan' *shows nan, 87, multiple stroke victim, incontinant, possible cancer of the throat, numerous infections coughing up mucus and then wiping it on her table (her party trick) with a fag in her mouth* It's enough to put anyone off
  • "Look at all of the assholes that smoke at your school, do you really want to be like one of them?" It's the only thing that would stop me, as lame as it sounds.
  • There is nothing much to say to a person that has already made up their mind either way. I've tried, man I've tried!!!!
  • Twenty little pleasures for four bucks may sound like a good deal at first, but the price you’ll pay in stinky breath and yellow teeth in incalculable.
  • I had a ten year old neice that started smoking years ago. I wasnt trying to be hateful...but I wanted her to see what she was doing to herself. I thought about it for days and finally I asked her. "Haley, what is your most favorite kind of flowers dear?" She thought for a while and she said "yellow ones auntie, why do you ask?" So I told her I needed to know now.. so when it came time for her funeral I would know and get the right kind. She still didnt get what I meant and questioned me further. I explained to her that because she had started smoking at such a young age I would more than likely live longer than her by many years and that she shouldnt expect to live to be an old woman. It was a very deep conversation and we both cried. She did not stop smoking...she is 22 years old now. I had hoped that somehow my words would have helped her. I think what another answerbagger said is true. Once someone makes up their mind there isnt much you can do to stop them. My dad has lost his ability to eat solid foods, suck or blow. He has only half a tongue left and a jawbone on only one side of his face. He cannot taste or smell from radiation. All from smoking. My mother has had 4 major heart attacks and several minor ones. She also suffered a life time of chronic respretory issues all from smoking. All of my 3 siblings continue to smoke and all of their children smoke too. It is a terribly addictive habit I agree. However It is also a choice. Fact is people do what they want to do. I know my answer isnt just one sentance......the sentance was.... "what kind of flowers do you want at your funeral?" It didnt work. Also I have tried..... " I dont want to have to watch you die from cancer please dont do that." It didnt work either.
  • Dont be an idiot.
  • "If you smoke, I will take that cigarette and extinguish it somewhere on the surface of your skin; then, I will cut off each of your fingers and throw them into the street where dogs will eat them, then regurgitate them into the sewer where they will be further violated by rats before they are washed out to sea with the rest of the city's filth." I'm sure that could make them hesitate at the very least.
  • Smoking makes gay people hit one you.
  • You'll be broke for the rest of your life. From the cigarettes, Febreeze, and possibly cancer.
  • I used to use this one on my mom "Please don't smoke because I love you" doesn't work anymore :(
  • Please dont i nursed my mother for years until she died from lung cancer she smoked her whole life.
  • My dad says that it wasn't a big deal when he started but it's a big deal now! What makes me mad is that he doesn't even try. He'll cut down for about a week but he gets crabby so he gives up. My mom (his wife) died from LUNG cancer and it ticks me off so bad. You would think having your spouse die from smoking would make you change your mind. I've told him; "If you die from lung cancer, I'll kill myself." and I know that hurts him, but it's not hurting him anymore than he's hurting himself with smoking. I wish one sentence would make him stop.
  • AH HA, CANCER!!!
  • I don't want you to die!!!
  • I found that one in the bathroom
  • listen to me breathe a minute.
  • I always yell out "Get down low and go,go,go!" when there is a somker at the bus stop.
  • I like the money answer ... any capitalist can relate ... how about health based phrases that contradict the truth in order to inspire the double negative thought process, like, "do you know how many vitamins there are in a cigarette?" ... or, "what kind of great performance enhancing steroids are in cigarettes that make your lungs work so much better than nonsmokers?" ... it tends to make them think, first how wrong your question is, then they think how wrong it would be to actually do what they just realized is so very wrong. ... I still wonder why smoking cigarettes is not yet considered as attempted suicide and made illegal and punishable by imprisonment and or psychiatric treatment ... deliberately and knowingly taking any other poison IS ... and we now have proof absolute that smoking cigarettes is a way of consuming the MANY poisons that are in cigarettes. ... as a martial arts instructor who teaches many breathing exercises, smoking students are one of the biggest problems I face.
  • Mmmm...I bet making out with you is like licking an ash tray; that's so hot.
  • If you start smoking, I won't give you your wallet back.
  • I would simply say, "Stop for a minute and consider these facts": and hand them a flyer that I printed from the Website When Smokers Quit—The Health Benefits Over Time: 20 minutes after quitting: Your heart rate and blood pressure drops. ("Effect of Smoking on Arterial Stiffness and Pulse Pressure Amplification", Mahmud, A, Feely, J. 2003. Hypertension:41:183.) 12 hours after quitting: The carbon monoxide level in your blood drops to normal. (US Surgeon General's Report, 1988 , p. 202) 2 weeks to 3 months after quitting: Your circulation improves and your lung function increases. (US Surgeon General's Report, 1990, pp.193, 194,196, 285, 323) 1 to 9 months after quitting: Coughing and shortness of breath decrease; cilia (tiny hair-like structures that move mucus out of the lungs) regain normal function in the lungs, increasing the ability to handle mucus, clean the lungs, and reduce the risk of infection. (US Surgeon General's Report, 1990, pp. 285-287, 304) 1 year after quitting: The excess risk of coronary heart disease is half that of a smoker's. (US Surgeon General's Report, 1990, p. vi) 5 years after quitting: Your stroke risk is reduced to that of a nonsmoker 5 to 15 years after quitting. (US Surgeon General's Report, 1990, p. vi) 10 years after quitting: The lung cancer death rate is about half that of a continuing smoker's. The risk of cancer of the mouth, throat, esophagus, bladder, cervix, and pancreas decrease. (US Surgeon General's Report, 1990, pp. vi, 131, 148, 152, 155, 164,166) 15 years after quitting: The risk of coronary heart disease is that of a nonsmoker's. (US Surgeon General's Report, 1990, p. vi)
  • If you want I can kill you myself right away, it'll spare you months of suffering...
  • Your lips will turn black, your teeth will turn brown, your fingernails will turn yellow, your hair will get thin, your skin will look like cowhide, your breath will smell like 12lbs of open ass, nobody will want to kiss you because your mouth will taste like a dirty ash tray, you and everything you own will smell like a truck stop in Louisiana, you'll get those "suck lines" around your mouth, you'll look 30 years older than you really are, your lungs will collapse, your tongue will fall out, your throat will be so burnt you'll have to get one of those "neck microphones," your arteries will harden, you'll get emphysema and won't be able to breath without your iron lung, you won't be able to stop coughing up thick globs of yellow phlegm, eventually your heart will become enlarged and stop beating, and then you'll die a slow, painful death... Would you like a light?
  • i would lie in all black in a casket and say please go for it, that way you can throw your life away ike me
  • Here's some paper and a pen; why don't you write out your goodbyes to your loved ones and save some time down the road when you can't breathe anymore? (Though I don't think anything can be said to stop someone smoking.)
  • Ever lost someone you love to cancer?
  • Scientifically it paralizes your cillia which are the little filters in your trachea(wind pipe). These cillia are important in sweeping out debris in the air. Those cillia are there for a reason.
  • wow i cannot believe you are so selfish of yourself to put your family through your death then funeral becuase you will die of cancer from your laziness of not quitting way to go..
  • I hat you smoker !
  • drop it or i shoot
  • Do you have any idea just how stupid you look when you do that?
  • Based on data collected from 1995 to 1999, the CDC estimated that adult male smokers lost an average of 13.2 years of life and female smokers lost 14.5 years of life because of smoking.
  • "dude, suicide is BAD"
  • I would tell them, I started smoking awhile ago, and I waste more money then you can shake stick at, it hurts to cought and im out of shape... do you think smoking i cool now??
  • Slow suicide. people dont listen tho, they dont care at this point cuz NOW they are healthy and they think they will stop before they do damage to themselves but that rarely happens. Usually for someone to stop they have to expierence a death of a loved one from smoking or get cancer. Sad but thats just how it is. people are stubborn. I personally stopped cuz it made my hair stink. I had no intention of stopping cuz of the fact that one day I could get cancer and die..
  • you are going to die
  • If u can eat and feel the taste an apple fully after keeping it outside for a month,that would how your lungs would be after you start with one cigarette
  • I know that chances are what I say will go through one ear and out the other, but if you value your integrity and your life, and you are above your friends who just want you to smoke so that they dont feel as bad for being the only smoker, then you wont start smoking.
  • How would you like to cough up blood and even form a tumor??
  • My father was diognosed last week with -squamous cell carcinoma- of the tongue larynx and voice box. This is a direct result of smoking. It has been ten years since he smoked at all. He is going to have the tongue larynx and voice box removed within the next month. If he lives through the surgery he will be given a 2 to 5 year chance for survival. Last week he was went into surgery and had a trachiostomy put in and a feeding tube. These will be permanent in his life. We are now searching for one of those machines that looks like a lap top but it speaks for a person whatever they type. I know another long answer/sentance/comment. My new one sentance, I guess would be... -Squamous cell carcinoma-
  • I'd say this: "Beware ! Society has it out for those of us who enjoy tobacco, If you start to use it you will be hounded by biggoted self rightious idiots who will condem you without trial and with total ignorance of the facts." But in reality, I don't care whether a person smokes or not - I have my own problems to worry about.
  • your going to die eventually
  • "I'm telling your mom!" lol
  • I put AIDS in that pack.
  • have fun with your cancer sticks
  • i can't even stop myself... i love smoking
  • having one lung is so in this fall
  • Take a good look at the smoker's body and then start to breathe free from this day onwards, will you?
  • "I wish I could go back in time, as the adult daughter my father never got to meet, and tell him how much I needed him around, cancer-free and alive."

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