• No. And I worry for those that do.
  • Not anymore, but when I first got my cat, for her first birthday I put her in my neices highchair, with a can of gormet cat food and a little home made birthday hat on her head. I really love that cat!
  • No, But I do buy them toys at Christmas.
  • In a way, yes and no. Just with one of my cats though. The whole reason I got her was because she was born on my birthday! This is a picture of her first birthday ice cream....
  • Yes I do, my dog's birthday is in Febuary. I celebrated the birthday of my hamster and the 16250 ants in my ant farm. We ate cake.
  • Yes i do, i give my rats carrot cake and my guinea pigs a bunch of fruits and veggies for their birthday.
  • Yes, I take him out for a car ride (favorite with him) and we go to McDonald's and I get him a hamburger.
  • No I don't, but I do get my cat a treat at Christmas. On a side note, I wanted to answer because of the questioners user name Katkit. I had a cat named KitKat for 17 years. He is greatly missed.
  • No I don't. Simply because I don't know when it is. But we got her on April 20th, my friend Amber's birthday, and I believe Hitler's birthday too
  • No, I don't know it.
  • Yes I do,...I dont know why though, cause they dont really know about it. I dont throw them parties or anything,...but I will buy them gifts.
  • I used to celebrate my rabbit's birthday(date I got him from pet shop).
  • My daughter does. She has a plain cake decorated with candles and doggie treats. She has taught her dog to open's hilarious.
  • no i dont celebrate it as in a party or anything lol but i buy them a treat like a bone its nothing new though because im always buying jumbones for them
  • I would if I knew when it was, but when you buy from a pet shop and all you know is that they are 4-6 weeks old at that point then it is all guesswork... I just try to make every day feel like my piggy's birthday!
  • I do. My great Labrador, Brizby, was born on Christmas, so it's easy for all of our family to remember.
  • We celebrate the dogs birthday. Usually just get her an extra big bone or special treat. But we don't celebrate the cats. The dog gets it, but if you give a cat special treatment one day they think they should have special treatment every day.
  • dogs birthday is April 7 and we bring him to petsmart and buy him new toys and treats!
  • i do, my dogs first birthday is in may and im gonna get her some new doggie toys, take her to the park( she loves the park) give her a special day.. and my parrot is almost 15 yrs and i usually give her extra seeds cuz that her fav thing in the world, give her my room to play in most of the day, let her have a bath, lol she takes her own showers lol.
  • Yes we do 2/29, 3/25, 9/1, and 12/10 they have steak
  • Yeah , of course , last year i had a party for my baby rabbit and his friends upstairs in McDonalds.
  • Of corss! My dogs birthday is in 20 days! (on the 27) and I'm not quit sure when my rabbits birthdays are one of them I wouldn't know what-so-ever, and the other my old teacher would know. I have had my dog for almost 9 1/2 years. hes almost 10 and we got him when he was 1 1/2. my dogs name is: Jet my bunnies:Kesof, and baby bunn. (Kesof means siver in Hebrew) My rabbit was the class pet and then she got pregnant, she only had one baby and no one else was able to take care of them, so I got 'em! the day that he was born I was sick and, did not go to school. one of the teachers wanted the baby but my mom convinced her that he would cost alot of money, so I was able to keep them both. I have had them for seven years. :D :D :D
  • Yeah,I through my hamster a b-day party.Her b-day is tomarrow!!!!I plan to invite my friends and hers too. Then I will bring her and heone of her friends on a picnic.Her name is Sandy.
  • Yes! My dog just turned 12 on the 28th! He got lots of treats!
  • Maybe...if my fish lived for over a year! (Or I knew when they were born)
  • Unfortunately no, because we don't know the exact date of their birth.
  • yes, but he doesn't like the fuss, but the plasma TV was a cool gift for him.
  • Oh yes. Gotta get some treats.
  • I love to celebrate. I celebrate the dog's birthday with a visit to the vet for his yearly check up, and I even used to celebrate my car's birthdays for the first four or five years, which was the same day as Mother's Day. It's not about the dog knowing his birthday, but it is about me being happy he gave me another year of comfort.
  • (I moved this to the comment it was meant to be on another answer, sorry)
  • No but that is a good idea!
  • Nah, I never really thought to. Do they remember my birthday?
  • I did for the first three years. This year, I had a horrible virus and was bed-ridden. I woke up the next day and was like, "Awwww I forgot your birthday!"
  • Absolutely! And Christmas and Thanksgiving!
  • I never knew the birthday..if we'd known of course we'd celebrate it..but we either got the pet from the Pound or a stray adopted us. :)
  • I do tell my pets happy b-day,but they don't like to acknowledge getting older.

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