• Depends on the rest of the story. I once had a cop sitting beside me at a red light beep his horn to get my attention and gesture to roll my window down. I did. He went on some shenanigans about how I pulled up too close to the car in front of me and that it blocked his view of the license plate....and that somehow that was "following too close" yeah....bullshit. You can beat that case 6 ways to Sunday. On the other hand, if you ran in to the back of another car on the freeway when they suddenly hit their brakes then ummmm just accept your losses and get on with life. Chances are your situation is somewhere in between...and anything can happen in that realm. It would be too difficult to place odds....I guess try to determine if your details fit closer to "stopped at a redlight boy" or "Creamed the tail end of the car in front of me when he hit his brakes boy".
  • Unless the officer has a picture or video on this they have no proof at all.These days the judges do not always take the word of the officer over the person bieng charged.They know that mistakes are made,and often by the police.I have gone to court ,defended myself in situations and won my case.It is worth going to court for it is a burden to the system where they expect everyone to be stupid enough just to pay the ticket.Also if the cop does not show up in court,which does happen from time to time,the case is thrown out of court.
  • The officer told you to please not guilty, so probably prety good. Remember that ALL police vehicles have a camera mounted in the dash, so if you saw the front of the car, the camera saw you. This camera is used for a few reason, all of them for evidense. Typically it is jsut to make sure the officer is not violating the laws themselves, but they also due to to ensure that you're not doing anythign illegal, to document when polcie are doing a search of your car, and to ensure all proper regulations are being followed during traffic stops (such as the one you had). So, plead not guilty, and you'll probably be fine, if not, it's not a huge issue, just a small monetary fine.
  • I prove this by watching a driver come up behind a vehicle and hit his brakes at least 3 times. common sense tells you that this person is following too closely to the vehicle ahead. the brake lights are a dead giveaway. Never lost a case on following too closely.

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