• No, alot of sociopaths will never kill I feel, and rather fit into the realms of society. Like any group of people, its only the extremist sociopaths that are the killers.
  • When you say the word "sociopath" most people think of serial killers. But although many serial killers are sociopaths, there are far more sociopaths leading ordinary lives. Chances are you know a sociopath. I say "ordinary lives," but what they do is far from ordinary. Sociopaths are people without a conscience. They don't have the normal empathy the rest of us take for granted. They don't feel affection. They don't care about others. But most of them are good observers, and they have learned how to mimic feelings of affection and empathy remarkably well.
  • In this case I think sociopaths are very similar to pedophiles. In my experience there are many men (and a few woman) that have pedophilic tendencies, but only a small fraction of these people will ever act on their feelings. Social/cultural control can be very powerful. Of course, this is only anecdotal evidence of course, so keep that in mind.

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