• I guess it's because they use the word theory too loosely.
  • Take comfort in the fact that you actually use logic whereas they merely claim to. Something can not come from nothing. It defies all reason. That's more ridiculous than lead into gold and all other manner of magical BS supposed scientists have cooked up over the centuries.
  • The majority of people also believe that the bible is true word for word. People are dumb. And I call you a fool for misusing a comma so terribly.
  • This is sad. Quite trying to prove the improvable to people who haven't invited you to "enlighten" them and you'll be just fine. As for evolution, you clearly don't understand the word theory or you wouldn't try to bring this up. I know it's been explained to you so no reason to go over that again. Just quit yer gripin'.
  • I don't see how one thing has anything to do with the other.
  • Because they haven't studied it.
  • Probably because that is the way that our world has been conditioned. If they hear that something is out of the norm, over over over again, then they start believing that it is out of the norm.
  • I get a similar reaction too. I think it is better to focus on those willing to listen to your opinions and discuss objectively than the haters that are bound to exist on this site at some time. As to your actual question, they have redefined the Scientific Theory, simply.
  • I fail to see what the statement has to do with the question. i am guessing the majority call you a religious fool because you have probably said things to give them that impression. As for the actual question: Considering 85% of the US is supposedly christian and many of them believe in creationism and have a bad habit of absolutely botching the theory of evolution, the simple answer is that they are blinded by religious fanaticism.
  • Really, I don't think that has anything to do with why you are a religious fool.
  • The world is all about propaganda. You have to say it thousand times in different ways and they will start to accept you. If you look things in aonother prespective, Albert Einstein used to be look at as a fool too.
  • Because I choose not to explore it. I've got enough crap running around in my head, I don't need to add any more. (not trying to be offensive, just strong in my own beliefs)
  • just tired of the question now and cant be bothered
  • If nobody here knew a thing about scientific theory, would that make you feel better about being a religious fool?
  • That depends. You do understand that science will not automatically make reality bend to your desired outcome?
  • I don't know what one (you being a religious fool) has to do with the other (your claim about the majority). But, in order to answer the question about that majority, I'd need to know, majority of what or whom? AB'ers? Those who call you a fool? Everyone on earth?
  • Because the ones who don't know what a Scientific Theory is are religious fools. Any Atheist can easily explain that to you but I doubt that you would either understand, much less accept, their explanation
  • Well, I guess my first question is going to be - what is your understanding of a Scientific Theory? My second question would be - what, in all honesty, does that have to do with you being called a religious fool? Of course, your answer for the first may answer the second for me... ;-)
  • I'm starting to see it's best to avoid these conversations entirely. The people asking these questions aren't really interested in other people's opinions, they just want an opportunity to call everyone else stupid and feel like they are the truly righteous ones. It always gets really heated, because no matter what the Evolutionists tell you, both sides are using faith to arrive at their beliefs. Faith cannot be used to argue faith.
  • 1) If I understand your question right, you don't like to be called a religious fool because you think that: - you are absolutely not a fool, but are rather a very logical person - you know more about scientific ways of reasoning than most of the people who are criticizing you 2) "Foolishness for Christ refers to behavior regarded by the non-religious as crazy, such as giving up all one's worldly possessions upon joining a monastic order. It can also refer to deliberate flouting of society's conventions to serve a religious purpose - particularly of Christianity. The term fools for Christ is attributed to Saint Paul. Saint Francis of Assisi and other saints acted the part of Holy Fools, as have the yurodivy of Eastern Orthodox asceticism. Fools for Christ often employ shocking, unconventional behavior to challenge accepted norms, deliver prophecies or to mask their piety. There are also parallels in non-Christian Oriental religion, notably amongst Zen monks, and the Mahasiddhas traditions." ""Crazy for God" is an expression sometimes used in the United States and other English speaking countries to convey a similar idea as "Foolishness for Christ." It has been especially connected to the Unification Church. In The Way of God's Will, a collection of his sayings popular among church members, Unification Church founder Sun Myung Moon is quoted as saying: "We leaders should leave the tradition that we have become crazy for God." " Source and further information: As you can see, the religious foolishness is a very particular kind of foolishness. It does not mean that you really are a fool in the normal sense, but that you behave in a particular, sometimes unexpected or not understandable way because of your religious ideas. I think that those people are just saying that your conceptions are based on your religious faith. Science, on the other hand, is not based on faith. 3) The majority of people have an idea about what a scientific theory is. But because this is not a concept that is so easy to understand, the majority of people could also have not such an accurate idea about this or sometimes a wrong idea. Moreover, many people are not so good at reasoning as you possibly are. "According to the United States National Academy of Sciences, Some scientific explanations are so well established that no new evidence is likely to alter them. The explanation becomes a scientific theory. In everyday language a theory means a hunch or speculation. Not so in science. In science, the word theory refers to a comprehensive explanation of an important feature of nature supported by facts gathered over time. Theories also allow scientists to make predictions about as yet unobserved phenomena, A scientific theory is a well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world, based on a body of facts that have been repeatedly confirmed through observation and experiment. Such fact-supported theories are not "guesses" but reliable accounts of the real world. The theory of biological evolution is more than "just a theory." It is as factual an explanation of the universe as the atomic theory of matter or the germ theory of disease. Our understanding of gravity is still a work in progress. But the phenomenon of gravity, like evolution, is an accepted fact." Source and further information: According to this definition, any body of knowledge which would mimic the scientific method in many ways, but would accept without discussion some statements like the existence of God or Biblical inerrancy must be considered non scientific. Its foundations are flawed. In this sense, when you base your understanding of the world on assumptions taken from religion or from the Bible, even if you were using good arguments or even better arguments than the majority of people, the basic assumptions of your position would disqualify it from a scientific point of view.
  • deleted.

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