• The DVD recorder may be defective. However, before I would take it in for repair, I would clean the laser lens. A dirty lens will cause this problem and it does not take much dust, dirt, or smoke in the air to gum up the works. I would use a wet-dry optical disk cleaner, such as the Milty LC2 CD/DVD cleaner ( I use one regularly in my optical disk players and have found it to be the best such product on the market. They are available from many internet audio dealers, if you can;t find one at a local retailer. Note that you cannot use this product in auto CD players that have a narrow slot into which the disk is inserted. The slot is too narrow for the cleaning brushes to pass without being damaged and they will pick up dirt from the fabric around the slot and carry it into the player. Simply follow the instructions included with the cleaner. If the lens is very dirty, you may have to clean it more than once.
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