• Uhh 17 maybe?
  • ...everyone who reads th question should mrk them down as much as possible!!!!!!
  • Those questions have been appearing in not so different variations for a long time now. I've observed people on AB are somewhat used to those so they don't pile up the downrates. Those Q's do get some negative ratings but most end up flagged as nonsense.
  • The correct reaction to such a question is to flag it as nonsense. I don't downrate, but if you really have to downrate to express your anger at such a silly question, I don't think that such a question deserve a lot of downrating. Keep rather your downrating for really offensive questions (which should be flagged anyway). To answer your question, I think that Answerbaggers are generally sensible and won't give such a question more than 12 negative points. It would be already too much, actually.

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