• I will NOT Please Black guys only!
  • I am in love with a white woman --------> I am not white... I am Romani ("Gypsy"). I suspect that why a black guy would be the same as any other guy: he likes her. He might even have a preference for the looks of white women. You cannot really expect a bunch of answers when you stipulate "please black guys ONLY." I have noticed that this question was unanswered until today. That is why.
  • this is a silly question, or you that bored?
  • I may get DR'ed for this, but I will speak from my perspective. Black men may like white women because... 1) Color doesn't matter to them. 2) They simply find Caucasian American women more attractive. 3) White women have beautiful or lighter skin. 4) They think white girls are easy. 5) They just happen to fall in love with someone who happens to be white.
  • UNCONVENTIONAL...same as white women who are attracted to black men, or french men, or asian men...just different...not the norm, so to speak...some just CHOOSE to be different for their own reasons or they just have an uncoventional attraction to a certain some men & women are only attracted to married people...sad but true...
  • Love has nothing to do with skin color what so ever. its what is in someones heart. Though having a decent face seems to help too.
  • 1) Its called exoticism (look it up) 2) Bad experience in childhood with black female figure 3) White women generally hav different attitude/mindset 4) Because they're being chased by white girls. 5) Genes. Mixed raced children are beautiful.
  • Top 5 in no order 1.) Their look 2.) Their positive attitude 3.) The way they dress 4.) The way they are in the bedroom 5.) I never get to eat sweets so I like so I get my fix of Chocolate and Vanilla! These are the reasons why I am atracted to them but of course like any sustainable relationship there has to be more.. but this is a good place to start

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