Sexy, price isnt a factor, it depends on if I like them.
cheap (as in I won't buy them at Victoria Secret) Sexy Yep
I am a total pleb!
I don't really care that much, I'll wear any depending wether I like them or if they're comfortable or not. They hardly ever match though, I'm usualy in to much of a hurry to match them.
Good quality bras, sexy and matching is how I like it.
Women should not wear a bra and underwire is the worst. It is a medical fact bras promote breast cancer. Bras restrict breast movement which is required to clean out the toxin build up in lymph nodes in the breast area. Wearing a bra 24/7 the chances for breast cancer is 3 in 4. Never or seldom wearing a bra it is 1 in 168. If you doubt this google "bras and breast cancer" you will get the information.
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