• People born with dwarfism, and others such as those who were disfigured through thalidamide, ARE able to lick their own elbow. Most people can't achieve this because the joint is a ball & socket joint, placed at a distance from your mouth such that the arc of your elbow doesn't intersect where your mouth can position at any point.
  • The question is, why would anyone want to lick their own elbow? I could think of other spots that could use a licking. Fortunately, my elbow is not one of them.
  • Who said it's impossible? said the ptrask as he slicks back his eyebrows with his tongue!
  • due to muscular structure of the body your shoulder girdle and forearm muscles contract to a point where it is impossible for you to reach your elbow with your tongue...however if you have an incredibly long tongue or a short arm go for it... :-D even if we could lick our elbow i don't think that people would be just walking around doing it...i can list a few other places you can't lick on your own...your butt, your genitals unless you are man and that is disgusting, behind your knee, your ears....the list can go no you know
  • Why do you presume that I would have the "urge" after reading your question? I am just trying to imagine "you" trying to do it... before posting your question...;-)
  • i've tried it a few years ago and it's not impossible.
  • This can be done. You just have to remove your arm.

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