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  • mmm i say better safe than sorry he should go check it out and if you dont wanna be so rude on telling him and you worrying about yourself then go ourself out for any std
  • Herpes maybe, definately need to get that checked
  • Well I was just checked for everything in October and was clean. I am really scared about this so I get checked more often than what teh dr recomends. He said it happened when we were together before. I dont want to tell him to get it checked out and then sound accusing or make it sound like I am cheating..(I am not). Can Stds lie dormant and not show up in tests for a while? Maybe even years? I havent been with anyone else for 2 years and he says he hasnt either. Could it have been dormant for that long?
  • That does sound like it might be herpes, and yes, it can lie dormant in his system for years (while it is rare to not see symptoms before then, it can happen). The symptoms of genital herpes include clusters of sores, blisters, bumps and rashes in the genital area. Other symptoms may include burning during urination, tenderness, tingling, swollen lymph nodes, or soreness in the genital area. It seems like you should convince him to get an STD screen done to make sure that it is not genital herpes.
  • IT sounds like herpes or syphillis. I'd go get checked.

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