• you tell me're the one who knows and only you.
  • Strangers are strange when your a stranger
  • Because you are not used to get attention and have many eyes looking at you. You are shy because you are not used to act in the environment of the public and deep inside you - don't want to make bad impression by doing something inappropriate.
  • I can guarantee you're not alone. In fact, everyone will have a certain degree of shyness, depending on the situation. If you feel this is a problem to you, you should try psychotherapy.
  • Lots of people are fact, I think most...and particularly if they're in unfamiliar surroundings. I'm a bit "pushy"...but nice pushy...a joking sort...I like shy people. When I spot what I think may be a shy person, and sense they may be feeling uncomfortable, say, at a cocktail party or the like, I make a point of going up to them and drawing out that person's hidden personality. I don't enjoy seeing a person not having a good time. Everybody deserves to enjoy this life.
  • You dont have self confidence in yourself!
  • kuz ur so worried about what people think of you u kant be urself so u b the substitute u know...shyness
  • I am 61 years old with the experience of parenting two boys, as well as my own experience as a shy child. I want to help you, but can only hope I will. First, I want to say you have asked a very important question. As I recall my youth, although I was painfully shy, I never really did anything but live with it; maybe in some way I even thought it was cute and got me at least some attention. To live life fully, you will need to overcome this. The root of shyness might be discomfort experienced because you feel out of synch with your environment. You need to know yourself, accept yourself and have the discipline to live a life you can be proud of ... in which you esteem yourself. In this way, you will be able to have the proper relationship to others. When we are very young we may take the world at face value and devalue ourselves. The world is painfully short on fathers, you will have to father yourself. You might investigate mindfulness practices, they are most emphasized in Zen. Brotherhood could help, but no one else can find your way but you.
  • Me too!
  • It's likely a pattern you've created unintentionally. You should work on reversing it.
  • I was exactly the same when I was younger to the point I would go red if someone even just spoke to me, as you get older you will get more confident try not to let it bother you too much
  • Hard to say ... but a lot of us are shy in pubic .. it's not that unusual!
  • cause i dont like people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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