• Metropolis is frequently depicted as being within driving distance of Gotham City, home of Batman. Like Metropolis, Gotham's location has never been definitely established; however, it is usually treated as also being a major east coast city. The distance between the two cities has varied greatly over the years, ranging from being hundreds of miles apart to Gotham and Metropolis being twin cities on opposite sides of a large bay. In the Seven Soldiers of Victory series Klarion the Witch Boy, New York City is called the "Cinderella City", referring to nearby Metropolis and Gotham as its "ugly step-sisters." The film Superman Returns mentions Gotham City, as does Batman in an episode of the Justice League TV series. in Superman: The Animated Series, Clark Kent's mother Martha Kent refers to Batman as "that nut in Gotham City". The differences between Metropolis and Gotham City are almost as diverse as the differences between their respected superheroes. In contrast to the dark, gritty, and raw way Gotham City has been portrayed, Metropolis has almost always been depicted as a clean, warm, and a wealthy city. From Wikipedia:
  • Just an "Up up and awaaaayyyyyy" away. Or Just a quick trip in the Batmobile "I'll only be five minutes........"

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