• extra stress, depression, or mabye just b/c its that time of year when the days are shorter. Tends to happen to everyone for awhile and then you adjust. Would not worry about it unless it really becomes a problem that is effecting you harmfully
  • a lot of people i know have not felt very well lately, everyone is tired, fatigue, nauseous, always. i think it might have something to do with polar shift, or the methane gas that gets released over time from underneath our oceans
  • It could be stress..but without knowing your background its hard to say!
  • just like everyone else said: stress, depression, etc. But sometimes I find two unrelated things happen to me, at random times: 1. weather: the change in temperature, or how much sun I get, can affect my moods. (Not so much Seasonal Depression, but it happens for a day or so at a time) 2. What I eat almost has a food sensitivity effect on me. I am not allergic to any foods, but sometimes too much bread makes me tired. Doesn't happen all the time though.

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