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  • There is no CORRECT age to begin smoking marijuana! Use common sense and know that whatever age you smoke, it WILL irreversibly harm you. Maybe not now, but later on in life you'll know about it.
  • Yes, 12 or 13 is too young to be smoking marijuana. (It's also too young to be using alcohol, tobacco, or other drugs.) There are a couple of issues. First, 12-13 year olds are ungoing both physical and emotional growth and changes. This process can be seriously affected or altered by the use of drugs of any kind. In particular, the use of drugs will stunt the individual's emotional growth, which can have very serious consequences both at the time and later in life. Second, the early teenage years are tough enough to get through when you're straight. The process of changing from a child to an adult is probably the most challenging transition that humans make, and while smoking marijuana through it may make it SEEM easier, in reality it doesn't. I was 13 the first time smoked pot, and I continuted smoking regularly for many years. While marijuana is less damaging that alcohol in many ways, in some ways it's worse, especially in the way it keeps you from learning how to cope with your feelings and with your life. If I had it to do over, I'd do it differently. At the very least, wait until you're old enough to legally drink alcohol and you'll be a lot better off. Bob Martin: The question asks for opinions. I provided mine. This is the eighth bad rating you've given me on the same day, citing only the most specious reasons. Apparently you're more interested in slamming me than in giving honest ratings. I suspect the "Bob Martin" account was created specifically so you could give me bad ratings without risking this same kind of retaliation to your primary answerbag identity (and I have a pretty good idea what that is). However, I participate in answerbag as it is meant to be used, and don't engage in petty personal attacks. (And I notice you didn't object to and of the other answers that were "judgemental.")
  • i personaly would recomend smoking Marijuana at least 2-3 years after your brain is fully developed witch would mean no sooner than 15. And yes of course 12 or 13 is to young if you started then you would run into all sorts of problems.
  • Yes. Much too young. I started when I was 17. I know people who started at 12 and 13. Take it from an experienced smoker/ex-grower/ex-dealer with a 140 IQ and experience with shit loads of drugs... Do not start now. You will make it a habit. Marijuana will kill your motivation. You will be royally screwed. You will like it and not be able to stop, because school is tough and you will use it to help cope. Let me put it this way. The people I know who started young took two years to escape junior high, are failing horribly at highschool, and have no bright future ahead of them. I started in Grade 11 when I knew I could handle it. I made sure the important shit came first. Now where am I? Applied for college, with a nice job, a nice car coming to me, and a very bright future ahead. Where is 'he'? After I beat him in the face till he bled for stealing money, jewlery and glass pipes from me (to feed his drug habit), he is thinking of quitting school. He will probally be expelled soon, and end up on welfare. I still use drugs. Moderation in everything. If you must use drugs, start small, 16 or 15... just weed and booze, leave the stronger stuff until you have a mind that can handle it. DO NOT DO HARD DRUGS. AND WHEN YOU DO IGNORE ME... At 18 years old I had a horrible mushroom trip that could have drove me insane, had I not thrown myself in the shower and popped enough tranquilizers to put me to sleep. Please be careful. I know people who have become permanently insane because of LSD and other chemicals. Stay safe, your brain is your life, and the most valueble object you possess. Treat it like porcelin.
  • quite simply, yes.
  • I would recommend never starting. Sure try it, but how do you know what kind of person you are and what your coping skills are? Weed has done nothing but ruin a great many of the lives it touches. You can't think, you can't do anything (no motivation), you can't earn money (because it all goes on drugs) - without money - no new clothes, no hi-tech gizmo's, no new dvd's, no shampoo, no food, no electricity. It might seem OK to try, or harmless to do, but the flow-on effects of the drug ruin people. There is a whole generation of young men who have no skills and no direction because weed stole it from them.
  • The brain is still in it's early stages of development. If you drink alcohol or smoke cigarettes, consume excessive caffeine or take just about any drug at this stage it could be harmful to your health. I would suggest waiting until you are at least of age to drink. Cannabis, just like alcohol is for adults, responsible cannabis consumers need to be respected not arrested.
  • I started smoking marijuana once every weekend or second weekend when I was 13. I then cut down to maybe once a month and only in holidays during the ages of 14 to 15, and then cut down to only in holidays and the odd occasion from 15 to 17. I am 17 now and I am very concerned about the possibilities of developing mental illnesses later in life. I feel that I am pretty much screwed and that I need to stop right away and maybe take some salmon oil tablets and get more sleep to help repair the damage done to my brain. :P If anyone has some good ideas for preventing the development of anything please email me: Craig
  • well i started smoking when i was 10 was I to young maybe but the real question is do you think it is to young if is then it is don't let people make your mind up for you i mean if bill would have stuck to his vow to hilary we wouldn't have had the first black pres. Bill Clinton and if Bush would listien to the people of the united states he wouldn't be a half ass pres. so make up your own mind nobody has the right to tell you what to do they can only tell you there opinion just because i started when i was ten im not stupid i have 3 honors class im 6'1 so it doesn't stunt your growth ANYWHERE and most important I LOVE MY LIFE ya it has its HIGHS and lows but i love it its great and its all because i make my own dicisions and take the blame for them that just means my parents raised me right
  • Being 12 or 13 is too young to start smoking anything, enough said.
  • yes. Quite simply I advocate the legalization of marijuana but rules apply just like alcohol. ~~~~~~~~Adults Only~~~~~~~~ Adults only, No driving, set and setting, resist abuse, respect others.....
  • Of course it is,and in my opinion any age!No one should smoke it,i dont need drugs to be on a high i can be on a high by being with my boyfriend thats more than enough for me!
  • What is the point of ever starting? Yes. I think 12 0or 13 is way too young to begin a habit that has lifelong implications.
  • Um, yeah any age is bad to start a drug abuse habit! don't do it!
  • Let's see it this other way: You are never old enough or young enough to act stupid or become an idiot. Stay away from marijuana. It will make you a moron.
  • hell yes!
  • Just don't start in the first place, you'll be far better off in the long run........M.C.S.
  • The way you phrase this question makes it sound inevitable that you WILL smoke pot. You should know that most folks get through their entire life without smoking any drug... or even drinking alcohol. 12/13 is to young - you don't have control of your impulses and are too easily addicted. This is not some moral position, this is science... has to do with development of the frontal lobe in the brain. Wait til college - that's a safer place to experiment. You'll be older and better able to handle the risk of addition You're best bet would be to avoid "starting" period.
  • You bet it is. You're brain is still forming at you age. The intake of any chemically altering substance such as THC, alcholo, nicotein, or any other intoxicant will damage your brain to an unrepairable level. You will be stuck at 13 for the rest of your life because it will retard the growth of the brain and it's function. You also will lose the ability to proccess and retain information so school will be a waste of tax payers' money for you. There's also the fact that most kids start drugs to deal with emmotinal pain or stress. Guess what? Doing that will not only make you dependent, but will aggrevate the very mental condition such as depression (weed is a depressant) that you started smoking to deal with to begine with. Add on the later health effects and you'll sink you're own boat. You're going to see alot of stuff on here about how drugs aren't harmfull. Those studies are done by groups that have an agenda to push and use junk sceince to do it. None of their information matches up with any other neutral study. In fact it contradicts it. It also contradicts the very life experances of users and their families. It's like drunks talking about how great alcholo is for you. And we all know how accurate that is. Best to stay away from all of that garbage to begin with. There are so many better things to do with your life.
  • AHmed_2_3 ur a MORON, I believe 15 yrs of age is a good time to start blazin, but that could be bias because I started when I was 15, now im not goin to bother hopin on the hwole pot topic because if I stood with u face to face, I would win the arguement. I know the points from both sides. In general pot is not bad at all, except for ur lungs, if u were to eat it itd probably be healthy for u its a great source of fiber. Now a large majority of the people associated with pot is where the problem occurs because many of them are weak minded and lead themselves to trouble down the road.
  • I started when I was 13... If your going to smoke it... Your going to smoke it... I don't smoke anymore... I smoked until I was 21... I've been done for about 5 months... sometimes I go back... but it's good to have certain experiences early because then you get it out of your system... Some people don't though... So it all depends on if you get addicted to it or not... It was always easy for me to quit... But I am not saying that you should smoke it if your that young... Just that I don't think it's too young... I did it...
  • I'm bored and feel like writing some more first of all id like to laugh my ass off at that craig fool for beind, Im 17 my life is over blah blah blah. OK CRAIG buddy hear me out ur tripping out and non sleeping is probably a result of ur pot being laced with meth, iv been through it and it was probably the worst experience in my life. I felt high for 2 months even though id quite for a bit. K so do me a favor stop smokin that laced nyp dro and if u want wait a couple years n grow ur own shit. This problem with laced pot is why I saw legalize nto to mention that im a stoner who in all honesty can give a fuck about cops and place right in front of them on my streets, CANADA :). I remember all the fuckin church kids at my catholic highschool " weed is bad, blah , blah ,blah " after a yr in college they 95% blaze. Now see im worried about them because I educated myself about drugs as a young teenager(15) so that I knew nvr to try anything chemical but im worried for all my peers who might have trouble distinguishing the good highs from the bad. MODERATION PEOPLE. Mr.Blaze ( non-drinker )
  • being paranoid,* (unfortunately this is linked to your problem )
  • I say* Legalize, I wish id care a little more about this post so I couldve re-read it so I didnt sound so dumb, but w/e this is the last time u guys read shit from me, so educate urselves cause ur missing out. Pot smoking can bring you closer to undertsanding the wonders of the world.
  • My thoughts on this is that any age is not a good age to start. It's not like it is ever going to be good for you, outside of a major medical condition of which you may die anyway. Our lungs aren't made to take in foreign objects like smoke. This is why people cough when they begin to inhale things like that. Plain air is the only thing that's good for you to inhale. I know not all air we breath is going to be healthy, but why make it even harder on your body? This among many other reasons.
  • For your own good I say Yes
  • For recreational use, Yes. 12- 13 years old is too young because the brain is still developing and there hasn't really been any research done on what affects cannabis may have (neg. or pos.) on the developing mind. Under the recommendation of a doctor for medical issues... No. Cannabis has been used by humans for thousands of years from birth to old age for numerous medical problems. It can help with ADHD, epilepsy, bipolar, schizophrenia, PTSD, problems associated with menustration, nausea, pain, etc. etc. etc. Many of those ailments afflict those under the age of consent, and prescription drugs associated with those ailments are more harmful than cannabis.
  • It's your body, and it's the only body you'll ever have. If you want to put intoxicants into it, you will. I don't think there's anything I could say that would influence you one way or the other. I say no to it, no to cigarettes and no to alcohol at that age. When you begin anesthetizing yourself at an early age, your emotional growth stops. But if at 55 you want to be dealing with your problems like a 13 year old, that's ok too. Your choices.
  • personal i think that no one should start smoking weed till they are like 16 i started at 14 and that is to young to start
  • My moral minimum age is 15.
  • Any age that the child is still developing is a bad age to start smoking anything, not that I condone the behavior of smoking albeit. Once they reach 18, then you are considered an adult in my country so why isn't drinking legal at that age? I'm all for legalizing it so that we can fight the real war on drugs such as opiates and cocaine + rock and meth. Those are the real villains in society.
  • Well of course it is!! You know better than that, and you know that this is illegal in this country. I hope that you will stay out of trouble, and you will make the right choices in your life.
  • hec yeah!
  • i started at 12 but i dont smoke that much so it didnt really harm me that much.
  • In some societies opium is considered normal... we do crazy stuff. we ignore enormous risks for short term pleasure We drive like lunatics and ignore the thousands who die from it and wring our hands over a relatively small numbers of soldiers who are killed in the line of duty. Often it is hard to see risks and consequences clearly. As has been said before, the brain is still developing in young teens. Any drugs can affect that development with far-reaching and often unpredictable consequences. so yeah, 13 is a bit young to start weed. but when is a good time? and why stick at weed? When is a good time to start smoking? Drinking? taking heroin? crack? Ecstasy? PHP? abusing painkillers? Suicide? There is no "good age" to start. And for many, it's really hard to stop. (except PHP*) and if anyone says "everyone's doing it," it's a lie - just like when you told your parents "Everyone wears Nuke" or "Everyone's going to that concert" or party or bungee jumping. Difference is the pressure is on you - not your parents. So when you decide it might be a good idea to kill yourself, go ahead. Smoke. Snort. Shoot up. Even drink and inhale. It'll probably take years, even decades. It might be quicker than you expect. but I don't expect that to stop you *PHP - i forget what it stands for but it's a computer language. It may sound like a drug but you couldn't smoke it if you tried
  • If you have to smoke mary or any drug for that matter wait until you are 78.....
  • nah man your fine im 16 now and ive been smoking since im 12. Im just like any other person in school the only thing is maybe i run out of breath alittle faster then people thats it. i still grow like everyone else and im still just as healthy as everyone else and as smart as everyone else my iq is 118 and i have pretty good grades. just remember pass that shit and dont get busted :)
  • at 12 or 13, he only thing going into your mouth should be food.

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