• This could be myxomatosis - and can be serious. Seek professional advice if the area around the eyes starts to swell.
  • It could be an infection it has picked up or an early sign of illness. I would make an appointment with the vet to get it checked out if it seems to be serious.
  • My guess would be pasteurella infection. Get it checked out as soon as possible (I hope you already have!) as it can lead to serious infection and death. This illness can't be cured (most rabbits carry it as a chronic situation that "flares up" from time to time) but it can be often knocked back into remission with a course of antibiotics carefully administered by your vet if caught early enough. If left untreated, it can lead to pneumonia, abscesses, and god-only-knows what (I've seen it all!) before it kills your rabbit painfully. I once rescued a rabbit that had to have a leg removed because of it. So get your bunny treated! Oh... and he is contagious. Keep him away from other rabbits.

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