• This question is also answered in the 'power issues' section, under PS2, troubleshooting. The silver tape is called ribbon wire. One end is connected to the reset and eject buttons, the other end is connected to a printed circuit board (PCB). This is probably the end that has come out. I'm assuming you've already taken apart your playstation, (otherwise it wouldn't have happened!) so you need to turn your playstation upside down, and take the case off. Unscrew the expansion bay (big metal casing with '!' on it), and take it off. You should see three coloured connectors (red, orange and white), with wires entering them. To the right of them, is a brown rectangular connector. The dark brown bit flips up, and locks down. This is where your silver power cable should be! Flick up the dark brown bit, stick the silver strip in (make sure the contacts are the right way round), and clip the dark brown bit down. It should now work. Put the playstation back together. I found it easier to take the reset and eject buttons of the casing- I think they slide off easily.
  • no ha ha to those of you that did that you didnt be f***ing careful enough.

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