• Firearm laws vary from state to state. In general, you need to be able to pass a NICS check and answer the questions on a BATFE Form 4473 in such a way as to affirm that you are not barred from buying a firearm according to various laws (not a felon, not dishonorably discharged, not convicted of domestic violence, etc). Usually, a government-issued ID or driver's license is needed to prove who you are. You cannot buy firearms and take possession of it in Virginia if you are not a resident of that state. Federal law requires that a purchase across state lines be routed through a 01 Federal Firearms License holder. For example, say you are a resident of Alabama and are in Virginia when you stumble across an especially nice hunting rifle at a gun store in Virgina. You need to provide the seller with your government-issued ID and fill out the 4473 satisfactorily. The seller then calls the information into the FBI, who runs the NICS check on the spot. If you pass the check, you give the guy your money. Now, since you are not a Virginia resident, you cannot take your new rifle out of the store with you. You collect the contact information for the seller and go home to your local gun store. Give your local gun store the Virginia store information and he will call them to arrange the transfer. Your gun store will run *ANOTHER* NICS check when you show up to get your rifle and charge you a transfer fee, typically 10% of the firearm cost or ~$25, whichever is greater.

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