• I hold no opinion on Mexico and Mexicans as a group... but the food tastes great.
  • Love the Country , love the food and the people are very friendly to visitors
  • Well, on the one hand, anyone who came up with sombreros must be pretty cool, but on the other hand, they're people, just like everyone else, so they get points off for that. I can't help but have a slightly negative impression of Mexican culture, it comes from living in a place so directly effected by the massive influx of Mexican and Central American illegal immigrants. Mexican culture has such a focus on machismo, which I personaly hate with a passion. And Mexican culture in general is pretty messed up, really (I say this from personal experience with many, many, very messed up Mexicans, not just from some stupid stereotype.) the culture seems to harbor a latent disrespect for law, (Can't blame them, living under such a corrupt system.) and alot of Mexicans I've known seem to have very little respect for anything outside of their own sphere of family and friends, I can't tell you how many times I have been beaten up on the sole criteria that I'm white. But I'm not one to hold a prejudice againts a whole people because of what some people have done to me.
  • Some of my best friends used to be Mexicans. In fact excluding one they were all Mexican. I remember how fun and slightly crazy they were, and I mean crazy in the best way possible. And let's not forget the food.
  • I spent 3 weeks in Mexico in 2003 travelling from Mexico City to Merida. The country was glorious and the people friendly. On Elction day the bus I was on got stopped at a roadblock by poor, machete-wielding farmers making a protest. While the driver discussed this some other protesters tried to sell us some tortillas through the window - that made me grin. :)
  • I had a blast in Mexico!Also I used to live in Santa Ana California where I made many mexican friends.Fun Fun
  • It is a beautiful country to spent a vacation. I did in 1997, four weeks travelling. And of course the Mayan history. I did not live there, so I can not really judge the people.
  • I think Mexico is a wonderful nation and Mexicans are a beautiful people. That Aztec beauty is stunning!!
  • I lived in Mexico for years. I fell in love with the country and the people. My observation is that Mexicans are: * Extremely courteous * Warm and hospitable, * Open and friendly IF you make the effort to understand them. * Wary of foreigners and of anyone with power -- with good reason if you study their history. * Passionate, affectionate (and able to show it openly), loyal to friends and family * Really know how to have a good time! * Have different priorities than we do. If they have promised to deliver an item at a certain time but a family affair intrudes, the family will come first--ALWAYS. * "Clannish," for lack of a better word. For centuries, they have had to rely on their families and close friends because they could not relay on a system of law. So family relationships are everything. * Have a deep need to save "face" much like many Asian cultures do. They will tell you what they think you want to hear rather than tell you an unpleasant truth--and they will NOT think of this as lying to you. It is simply an accepted "greasing of the social wheels". * Extremely proud of their history, their culture, and their country. They are a very patriotic people. * A VERY class-conscious, even racist, society. They venerate their Indian past but tend to treat their current Indian population very badly and will go to great lengths to minimize visible Indian roots in themselves. The shorter, darker and more indigenous a person looks, the lower on the socio-economic scale. * Will grab any reason for a party--especially if it can involve fireworks! And lots of drunken singing! For more on my feelings about Mexico, visit It's a young site. More to come.
  • Mexico is a beautiful country full of very nice people. Their manners and their helpfulness were impressive.
  • I don't usually have much thoughts on Mexico other than we have a mission in Ouxaca(sp?) As far as Mexicans go, the one's that I have met or dealt with were very nice. I have good feeling towards Mexicans in general.
  • They're funny at times and they're the kind of people that I can relate to. I don't have any bad thoughts about them.
  • i don't like to generalize... I'm mexican, I have a good impression of almost all the Americans and Mexicans. We all have virtues and faults, and the way in which we behave depends on many things... I'm mexican and I live in México. here are good people and bad people, but so in everywhere. Sorry if my english is bad, and if is not understood what I want to say. Regards And Viva México... haha, ajua, jeje
  • I don't think anything because I don't see race in anyone.

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