• no it will grow back greener and fater, so if u use two diffrent kiinds of hair removal it will grow back neon purple
  • Ive used it and it does not grow back darker, well not for me and it shouldnt for anyone else coz it takes out your hair roots, and eventualy makes it alot weaker infact ive been using Nair and other wax brands for over 2 years and the hair is barely growing back now which is great! Hope i helped.
  • DO NOT USE CHEMICAL HAIR REMOVERS ON YOUR FACE OR ANY OTHER SENSITIVE SKIN! it will cause chemical burns fast and you will feel like you fell a sleep on a tanning bed. I have always had a thin, patchy, scraggly beard and once i decided to permanently remove the patches of hair along my jaw line and in a line down the center of my throat because i always got razor burn and ingrown hairs no matter what razor and shave cream combo i used. well after not shaving for three days, i applied Nair according to the directions and in about 20 seconds was in intense pain so i started the nair/hair removal process early as directed but a few minutes early. it was a good thing i did, when it was all cleaned off and my face washed i found that everywhere i had applied nair was chemically burned. like a bad sunburn. my face felt like plastic had been melted and fused to it for days.

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