• Not me but I do make it a point to fly under the radar
  • I reported in for jury duty, and I was pretty excited about it, but the potential criminal didnt show up You have a bench warrant I believe if you miss jury duty
  • No... I went because its not in me not to show up... I don't work that way. But I avoided it and resented it for a long time until I actually got called once... Now I wish I could go back.. It is interesting and really fun. (except certain icky cases)
  • I've never responded to those notices. A friend who worked at the courthouse told me this: Since the notices are mailed out in mass quantities, how would the court know if you ever got the notice? Apparently, you get in trouble only AFTER you respond, when the courts system knows who you are and you fail to show up for jury duty when summoned.
  • umm No but then I've never been asked either
  • I havent been arrested. I always go. . i have gone a couple of times. its fun. its boring waiting to be called. one can make it a hobby and get involved with the court cases. one doesnt get paid much, but then, one doesnt get fired for not being at work either. take a book to read, or a magazine, or the new cellular reader, kindle. . If one doesnt want to be on the jury duty list, dont sign up to vote. you lose your voting opportunity. you also lose your jury duty opportunity.

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