• Carry a copy of your dd214 with you. Mr Bill
  • Do you need an ID card to prove you were a veteran? This is an unusual question and I'm curious as to why you feel you need an ID card. I've got a ton of photos, certificates and a couple of awards and that's enough for me.
  • Your Dog tags should do the trick.
  • your ratarded dude, why would you want a id card for that lol your obviously a pogue hahahah
  • I think it's admirable that you want to carry that ID. And I'm not even a Republican! :)) I wish I had a better response for you, but you've gotten some pretty good ones on here. Have you checked with the VA to determine if there might already be such an item? Good luck to you. Stand proud.
  • had you retired, you would have an ID. not saying your veteran-ship is invalid, but retirees keep military id cards, along with the benefits. just a thought. and david1911, pogue is spelled POG, at least as how i know it. but i would imagine its up for dispute. cheers.

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