• Move to a new place
  • It's normal to have grief and pain, it's not normal to wallow in it forever. It's up to you to look and see where the one ends and the other begins. "Wallowing" generally has an identity component -- that is to say, if you're endlessly indulging in all the thoughts about what it means about YOU that he's gone, that's wallowing. "I wasn't good enough..." or "Now I can't be happy" or "I'll never love anyone like that again" or "Maybe I didn't try hard enough"... and so forth. What all these thoughts have in common is they're all commentaries about yourself -- they all attempt to define who you are. Nobody else can make you whole. No matter how nice that relationship was, it was not the essential key to your happiness and future health. Your life is, and always has been, in your own hands. But you have to recognize that and make a choice to take the wheel. That's the thing nobody else can do for you. When you do that, it's a bit scary: responsibility is risk. But it also gives you the ability to steer out of the fog and go somewhere. So if you're wallowing, cut it out and drive.

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