• through interper relationships with other people who have dealt with the same problems. you/whomever are the only ones who can make the descision to stop, but you don't have to travel down that road alone. a good first step might be google searching an a.a. meeting place in your area
  • go to AA, the sense of family you support you get there will move you, i know from experience. Pick a day, and goonce or twice a week, never miss. once you feel the obligation to go,your on your way my friend.
  • AA is one way. They claim it is the only way but that is only true for them and those who are destined to be one of them. For me, it just took work, like telling myself no to alcohol more than I was used to. You create new habits to replace the old ones. Eventually I realized that I didn't even truly like being drunk. Now I drink beer a couple times a week and only get a strong buzz on occasion. I can enjoy alcohol without letting it bring me down now or get me into trouble, something that I knew had to be done otherwise I would end up trading alcohol addiction for AA addiction. Anyone else would have looked at me and said that I was an alcoholic, and you know they say once an alcoholic, always an alcoholic. That is a bunch of crap. You just need to take control of your life, be honest with yourself, and be responsible.

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