• The earth getting warmed due to decreased solar UV resistance and depletion of the solar ice caps. This is the theory which states that if we continue to pollute and trash the atmosphere, the weather and temperature patterns will change on a massive negative scale as a result. It is happeniing, polar ice melts and we continue to distroy both the o-zone and the atmosphere daily with all this industrial pollution, not to mention the burning of trash in some countries.
  • global warming is a result of the greenhouse effect, where to much co2 is being released into the atmosphere causing heat to be trapped...I think its really happening, I live in Michigan and the trees on my block are already starting to get buds and its only January.
  • another question how do we fix it?
  • Great new book out: Unstoppable Global Warming: Every 1500 Years by Avery and Singer. It's happening but the human contribution to it is negligible and there isn't a blasted thing we can do about it--but the world has lived through it before and can do so again.
  • It's a natural cycle.
  • Here's my issue with global warming. As in - man caused. The ice caps on Mars are melting at the same rate as the ones on Earth. What do the two have in common?
  • Global warming is already here and we need to take steps to remedy the problem by stop burning fossil fuels at the rate we are now.
  • Global warming is both human and natural. Large pockets of methane are under the ocean. They rise up pretty often. Volcanoes spew out things that completely devistate the ozone layer. But on the other hand. Vehicles let out enormous amounts of carbon diozide which add substantially to the greenhouse gasses. We also chop down the trees that convert carbon dioxide to oxegen. FAST VERSION: We are throwing wood onto an open fire
  • That global climate change happens
  • Tis a polarized issue of global implications.
  • I think there is to much going on for us to think we can stop it. I can't help but think letting nuclear bombs off is more dangerous to the earths atomsphere then smoking in a public place. They will always do military experiments so there will always be damage done to the air as well as the earths soil. But most of the damage is already done I don't know how we can fix it or if we can but I'm more worried about trying to figure out how to destroy that astroid that coming our way.
  • Since there is so much evidence showing that this has happened before, I would imagine that it is a cycle Mother Earth goes through once and a while. We may have helped her, but there is no evidence to uphold this theory. I just hope that it is not to severe and short lasting.
  • i think it is a cycle that the eath is in. look back to the time of the dinasours they say it was hot and green ect. then all the sudden and ice age. frozen barren ect. then it started to heat up again. but that is just me
  • It isn't. but if it is, it's because you didn' finish your vegetables.
  • Because of CO2 cumulation in athmospere from our-human side!
  • Well just listen to public radio, & who knows, you might actually get the answer you'r looking for:)
  • Its simply a natural solar cycle which is actually tapering off. There is also global warming occuring simultaneously on Mars which I'm pretty sure has no SUV's. We are actually in a decline as as the rate of global warming is decreasing from it's peak 70-80 years ago.
  • Nobody is really certain. Just about all of the scientific community has finally gotten together to realize that something is happening. I have a degree in Biological Sciences but I wouldn't try to out think some of the brilliant minds that are working in this field. Whatever we are doing it is having a deleterious effect on our home. Even if you think global warming (a poor name for it) isn't happening..we certainly can't be doing any good pumping all this garbage into our back yards.
  • Because we have been abusing the planet for hundreds of years,starting with the burning of coal,and now with the use of petroleum,the cutting down of forests,etc .I have personally seen it happen in the last 30 years,with dramatic changes in the area where I was raised.We should forget about the media and open our eyes,get out heads out of the sand,and admit global warming has been here for decades and we are the cause.When will mankind admit their mistakes and move on to do something about it.
  • There is no such thing as global warming. It's nothing more than a rallying cry for anti-free enterprise groups that cloak themselves in environmentalist clothing. They're more interested in bringing down Western society than they are in helping the environment.
  • Global warming is happening because we are releasing too much carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. the carbon dioxide creates the greenhouse effect where the carbon dioxide in the air basically blankets the earth so that it keeps getting warmer.
  • i live in a pretty cold place so maybe i could benefit from it
  • Just an excuse to get me to pay more tax.
  • It's real and it sucks!
  • The earth is warming as well as cooling for a number of known reasons, some of which are more calculable than others. 99.99% percent of the earth's warmth comes from the suns energy. Surface temperature changes are caused by changes in the amount of solar energy reaching the earth's surface. Changes in the distance between the earth and the sun can warm or cool the earth. Clouds and ice on the earths surface reflect the sun's energy and cool the earth. Greenhouse gases are atmospheric chemicals with heat-trapping properties and warm the earth by trapping solar radiation. The earth has warmed between .5 and .7 deg C in the past 150 years. Cloud cover has increased, but greenhouse gas concentrations have also increased indicating that the earth is warming due to an increase in greenhouse gas concentrations.
  • as family guy would say ( because you touch your self at night! )
  • One reason is the CFC's released by Aerosal products into the atmoshpere.These eventually drift up to the Ozone Layer and each induvidual molecule from CFC's destroys thousands of ozone molecules as it reacts to solar radiation.This thins the Ozone Layer and creates holes in the areas damaged the worst,thus letting in more solar radiation and allowing it to heat the Earth more than naturally it would.
  • A big hoax created by the governments. My 2 cents.
  • GW is a hoax. A fantasy, same as Santa Claus & Harry Porter. Enjoy life! My 2 cents.
  • higher atmospheric humidity causing more annual rain fall in most areas being better for plant life possibly reducing desert areas. the northern tundras open up to development both to humanity and nature. antarctica will likely get more snow fall thickening it's glaciers. plants (the first step on the foodchain) will have great years supporting the rest of the biosphere with greater abundance. western civilization would be forced to declair war on the mosquito to prevent malaria from gaining ground. air conditioning costs go up. the vikings might be able to resume sheep farming in greenland (something they haven't been able to do since the little iceage wiped them out) al gore will spin everything he said to claiming man had nothing to do with the global climate change because nothing man does could possibly be good. the reality that humanity caused greenhouse gasses are a minor influence will be accepted.
  • Record production of PROZAC by the pharmaceutical cartels to "calm" the panic/fear attacks provoked by the GW hoax. My 2 cents.
  • This was written by a Professor of Meteorology from MIT. It's searched from Google Scholar that only searches scientific journals and peer reviewed articles. also see
  • Global Warming is a misnomer, the real thing that should be said is Global Climate change. The fear behind it isn't just that the world is getting warmer in hotter months, but disparagingly colder in winter months. It is a sort of extreme flux that poses a threat to anything that doesn't have the ability to move fast enough North. Just to use a point, there are normal cycles of the Earth where it gets warmer and cooler throughout the years. These changes though, do not explain the speed and intensity for which this climate change is happening now. To say it is a normal cycle of the Earth is wishful thinking. The reason it occurs is due to several factors, a weaker ozone layer letting more of the suns rays in, and a higher Carbon level in the atmosphere trapping said rays in and allowing them to contribute more heat energy then they normally would. This creates a dangerous positive feedback cycle, meaning that Global Climate Change also helps to create greater levels of Global Climate Change. This leads to temperature extremes (again, not just hot, South Carolina has seen record levels of snow in the winter, as these UV rays put more moisture in the atmosphere during the cold weather months.) This extreme shift is causing total disruption of natural habitats, and a dangerous level of melting in the polar icecaps. I hope this answered your question.
  • Global Warming is a natural climatic cycle that is most directly influenced by solar cycles and terrestrial events such as volcanism. It is truly unfortunate that many impressionable readers and viewers of Al Gore's excellent propaganda pieces blindly follow his junk science. It is more unfortunate that so much of his work is based on fallacy, beginning with the theory of Global Warming. Carbon Dioxide does not drive warming. CO2 is a trailing indicator of warming ... often by as much as 800 years! The ice core records contain the indelibly-etched evidence. Any theory that is so fatally-flawed needs to be carefully reexamined or abandoned altogether. The harsh reality is that we have entering a cooling period that will last for decades, and it will reveal the anthropogenic global warming zealots to be chicken littles in search of fresh sources of grant money and tax dollars. This may come as a complete shock to the AGW Kool Aid drinkers. ;-)
  • No, it's not real. it's a hoax to give governments more power. Everything you do produces carbon. if the governments can control that, you have a totalitarian dictatorship. Finally, it's been exposed that there is no "consensus" The only consensus there ever was, was crooked politicians playing with the scientific data and crooked "scientists" that played along with the governments hoping for more grant money. It's been exposed as a fraud. I think it is hilarious that all the emails came out exposing global warming as a scam!

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