• Tea..... just to shorten my real first name. It's easy to say too.
  • Suds or Sudsy. I like beer. A lot!
  • Peanutz Jr. I grew up in a professional clown family and My Dad was Peanuts Sr. and so I naturally followed .
  • Nickname:Dreamer Reason: I'm always spaced out in my day dream.
  • George. I'm not exactly sure why. Had it since 6th grade and it just kinda stuck with me
  • I am known as the Doubter due to my consistant questioning, lack of faith, and doubting of soceital figures and their motives of actions.
  • Sid, as they are my initials. When we were kids you would put in your initials if you got a decent score on a game at an arcade, my mates saw my initials and ever since then I've been Sid, Sidney, or girls sometimes call me Siddie. I also get called Denzil as my Dad's name is Dennis and when younger we went through a stage of saying "here's Dennis' boy" or whatever applicable father's name when someone turned up. Over time this became "here's Denny's boy", to "here's Denny", until eventually it ended up with me simply being called Denzil. It's confusing for strangers though as they are both proper christian names and sometimes I am called by all three of my names: my proper name, and my two nicknames.
  • My sister calls me Hatter. I don't know why (frenzied maniacal laughter ensues...).

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