• Is it in the front of your head or sides or back? It could be referred pain from your back or neck being out of alignment if it's in the back of your head. Or it could be from eye strain if you wear glasses. Or it could be a stress headache or tension headache. Having a headache that long is never a good sign. I suggest you go back to your doctor and tell him your headache hasn't gone away and request some tests.
  • I agree that you need more tests. This is exactly how my migraine headaches started. Don't try to diagnose yourself. It took 7 months of tests before I was diagnosed, because my migraines are not classic. The location of the pain could be telling or could not be telling. That is why you need a specialist. A long term headache is never a good thing and you should be seen by a specialist very soon. There are very good meds for migraines now. I've had them for 30 years and there was not much help when I got my first one. Now there are some excellent meds that help alot. But first, see a specialist and get diagnosed.
  • What is the chance that it is the pillow(s) that you are sleeping on ? Barring that ; have you anyone who can massage your head and neck ... ? Try it might be amazed at the result ...
  • not enough sleep or nutrition to much light from tv or comp
  • You haven't been drinking lemonade or eating oranges, have you?
  • I get to feeling like this if I lay around too much. If I feel lethargic and a headache starts to creep in, I get off the couch, take a shower, get dressed, and leave my house. Go for a walk, read a book at the park, stroll around the mall.
  • I have had constant headaches since I was a child. I DO KNOW that you can get rebound headaches from taking too much headache stuff, like Tylenol, Excedrin, etc. My doctors still have no idea how to control my headaches and migraines, however mine are triggered by stress, whether a small thing or a very overwhelming event. I would go to a doctor. They may end up doing extensive testings, with brain scans, and all fun stuff like that, but until you can pinpoint what the cause is, you are better off being sure.

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