• "Chinese gooseberry" is another (and older) name for kiwi fruit, a southeast-Asian vine that bears small, oval fruit with a thin brownish-green skin and a fuzzy surface. The flesh, which is a distinctive green, with tiny purplish seeds surrounding a white core, may be eaten raw or cooked. The history of the kiwifruit began in the Chang Kiang Valley of China. Called Yang Tao, it was considered a delicacy by the great Khans who relished the fruit's brilliant flavor and emerald-green color. Knowledge of the fruit expanded to other countries in the mid 1800s to 1900s. A collector for the Royal Horticultural Society of Britain send samples home in 1847, and another send seeds to England in 1900. Plants were first exported from China to the United States in 1904, and seeds were brought to New Zealand in 1906. Kiwifruit is available worldwide today and is produced in New Zealand, the United States, Italy, Japan, France, Greece, Spain, Australia, and Chile. Source: Search strategy: google, "chinese gooseberries" and then "kiwi fruit"
  • New Zealand
  • new zealand
  • new zealand
  • New Zealand it is the Kiwi fruit.
  • Originingly from China

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