• Hum, I don't think about men from Iran.
  • I think nowadays the first thing that comes to mind when someone from outside Iran thinks about Iranian men is Mahmoud Ahmadinejad! But as an Iranian when i think about Iranian men i don't know why my uncles's friend comes to my mind who jumped into the river to save his daughter but unfortunately drowned himself! Or my neighbor's son who committed an unsuccessful suicide because of his beloved girlfriend who married another guy and now after lying in hospital bed for more than two years is probably asking himself what the f**k he was thinking! Or my brother who's working and studying at the same time and what pisses me off a little about him is that he can easily make girlfriends and i can't! or Bige comes to my mind, that sick motherfu**er who raped and killed 12 little boys and was introduced in western media as an Iranian gay hero who was executed for having gay fantasies!!! These are some of the things that came to my mind but it rarely happens that i think about Iranian men cause i more prefer to think about Iranian gorgeous women! ;)
  • i really enjoy the company of persian women and i have had several very good iranian women friends. but i have never met an iranian man who has been nice to me. and ive met many iranians living or visiting in the states. i found them to be rude, standoffish, and/or misogynistic in general~ not just to me but their wives as well. iranian men were the worst tippers when i was a waitress in college. i have known a couple iranian men who beat their wives. as a realtor, i had two unpleasant experiences with two iranian couples that i helped with their home search. i really liked the wife of one of the couples that ended up buying a home using my services. but her husband never shook my hand and would only address my partner, who was male. the husband totally controlled his wife. and her brother was even worse ~ he was a foul-tempered substance abuser. in all my years in real estate, i only ever had one client terminate a brokerage agreement with me ~ and it was the other iranian couple i assisted. basically they used me as a free taxicab service and ended up buying a home i showed them through an iranian realtor. technically since i was procuring cause i was due a commission, but i really didnt want the aggravation and i didnt want to haggle with them. ive also had several settlements with iranian families at the other end of the settlement table ~ they were always nitpicking & squabbling over home inspection items and were just a pain in the @$$ to negotiate with. they didnt understand the art of compromise and seemed to take pleasure in arguing over a few shekels. dont get me wrong ~ im not making a generalization that all iranian men are @$$holes. but i just havent met any nice ones yet.
  • Well, as an American woman who dated a man from Iran, I would say that he was confused about who he was. He started out very conservative but drinking alot and watching pornography. He did tend to talk down to me at times, telling me that I was 'stupid' or that he couldn't put up with my 'illogical thinking'. He was overly concerned about appearances in front of others. I had the impression that outward appearances meant more to him than just being real, almost as if he were trying to impress someone back in Iran. Another problem for our relationship was that he was still being supported by his dad, which I guess is part of Iranian culture. He was 26. That was hard for me because I was fully independent in my early 20's. If we had married each other, he would have used our money to support his parents later on, and I couldn't agree to that. Eventually, we lost respect for each other. I will not date an Iranian man again.

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