• I wouldn't think so, but some people are offended if you sneeze. Wear your beautiful national costumes and consider it a tribute to the culture. My own daughter purchased a dirndl while in Bavaria and will be wearing it for Halloween.
  • Halloween costumes are allowed to be non-PC. Witches with green faces and warts aren't politically correct, but they are out there just the same. I say dress however you wish to dress for the holiday.
  • Well sumo is actually Japanese. I think the family costume idea is kind of cute, and no, I don't think it would be offensive. I think the most offensive Haloween costume I've ever seen was when my stepfather, un-wittingly, dressed up as a ghost - with a pointy ghost hood and everything - to go to a nieghborhood costume party in an 80% black neighborhood. He was so embarassed when he realized that he looked like a member of the KKK =P someone actually asked him to go home and change!
  • I don't think so and I wouldn't worry about it. No matter what you do, you're bound to offend someone.
  • I've seen people dressed as nuns, monks, priests, Indians, and such, so I can't see why it would be PC.
  • No I think not and the sumo is slightly offensive the way its phrased in the Q but I don't see why it should be a problem
  • Are you guys taping your eyes back to look slanted? Are you going to have racist slurrs printied on your clothes? Are you going to use the sterotypical accent? Are you going to walk in small steps will nodding your head over and over again. Well allof these are the typical sterotypes and if you arent going to do them, then it probably wont be offensive. Just as a warning though, someone might take it offense because you're using a culture as a costume (but those who think that are in the minority I think). But in general, I don't think most people would mind. You just need to make sure you don't sya anyting racist/slgithly ignorant, because paired with the costumes that might make for quite an uncomfortable moment with other people. It's a bit iin the gray area. But I'll just say all depends on race relations in your area. Are their problems regarding one race and asians there? If so, it maynto be the most cultrually sensitive thing to do. But other than that, have fun!

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