• Just your brother giving you a hard time, if you have known eachother that long and have been doin it that long dont let it get to yea, he is ur bro, he is sopost to give you a hard time :)
  • That really isnt that bad. If you arent attracted to females, your not a lesbian. When I was a teen, me and my friends went skinny dipping (it was mixed gender though) and it was just fun, not sexual. As for the rest, its just a result of a long lasting and close friendship. So dont worry about what others say. And for the record, if you are lesbians and trying to hide it, thats not healthy. Homosexuality is completly nature and nothing to be ashamed of.
  • do you kiss? if its nothing sexual then who cares what others say. lots of girls change in front of each other...sharing a bed? who cares. I have shared beds with girls many times. maybe not showered but whatev.
  • Oh geez. Your brother's a doofus. By his logic 90% of the women in the world would be lesbians. It's only this absurd western culture that puts a taboo on nudity between same-sex people. In many other societies, women bathe together, are housed together, dress each other when clothing customs demand it...
  • They are just jealous!!

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